ninjas/traps without Hasten




How badly will I regret this? My plan for my build uses four pools already, leaving no room for the speed pool. I could give up jumping but, just think how awesome it would be to have a ninja's mm that does leap attack.



Traps is one of the sets that benefits the most from Hasten even if you're using SOs, because the powers you want up every mob (or even stack later) are on relatively long recharges. I find Hasten essential for traps, and I don't get Hasten on every toon.



@ OP.

Regarding Traps in general.

Traps has been done for masterminds, heck its been done for all the ATs that can use it. Personally there is nothing at this point in the game that someone is going to discover that has not been done with Traps. So there is no reinventing the wheel here. With Masterminds and Traps there are about 2 builds that a player can create around with some minor changes that will keep you within the Leet killing boundaries. If your going to deviate from the "norm" build wise your clearly doing it understanding you might hamper your abilities in one way shape or form.

So that being said you can do mastermind / Traps and still be very successful, but don't expect to be killing AV's or running missions on 4/8 settings. So its your game and if your game says you don't have room for hasten its fine and okay.

As far as the leap attack. Understand that Traps is a stationary build and your force field generator ( FFG ) along with all your other trap devices will NOT move with you or teleport to your new spot. So doing this leap attack for openers will cause your FFG to move towards you, but not at any lightening speed. So you might have lower defenses while your waiting for this thing to come to you. Once you did your leap attack, you would now have to start placing down acid mortar and what not. End result you could have been doing that in the first place. I could see the leap attack as a power at PBAOE as a follow up for Trip mine placement. So I can see you pulling the mobs, Leap attack, Trip mine, Poison trap ( with lockdown proc ), Trip mine.

Personally I feel if you don't follow one of those 2 Traps builds that are listed repeated for masterminds I think your gimping yourself. Again I reiterate Personally, thus not gospel or written in stone.

I could see the leap attack with ninja /dark where you have more flexability with your powers compared to Traps.

1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:



Really good points. I'm glad I waited for some responses before I moved forward with this. I feel I must either take flurry or jump kick for the ninja-hood of it. So either pathway has its strengths, but I didn't think about Leap Attack being so problematic later on. It definitely would suck to aggro an entire spawn and have to wait for my FFG to get to me while I'm getting hit by all their first strikes.

The only real advantage I see in leap attack is as a KB mezz. Nice to be able to stall off 2/3 of the nearby opponents for a moment, and damage them a bit in the process.



Even if you don't wanna be a ZOMG Traps power player, the thing about getting Hasten on a Trapper (I only have corr trappers but I guess this applies to MMs as well) is that Traps benefits so much from the extra recharge that after you are able to stack your pseudopets you'll be effectively as good as two trappers, and MMs still get more mileage from stacking Triage Beacons at least solo because of the pets and the big pool of HP you are when you're in BG mode.