Placate and damage

Blood Red Arachnid



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
LOL this is truly sad. I've never liked EM because it was too popular when ET was 1s but after that, I just can't imagine myself playing a set that only has ST and it's slower than Martial Arts.

Did you PM Synapse about looking at EM for Stalker? Its only real good use is in Siren Call pvp?

PS: Oh, just realized that Ninja Blade has none too but at least that set has two cones.

The lack of aoe isn't EM's worst problem. It's top two powers get little to no benefit from hidden/crits, and there is a lower chance for stalkers to stun targets then other AT's. The lack of aoe is a problem several sets face, but those two things really lowers EM compared to other sets.




Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
My slotting priorities have changed for it, though. I used to slot it for recharge first. Now that priority goes to range. Recharge, if it gets slotted at all, comes second.
Okay, now THAT'S interesting, Joe. I've honestly never entertained the notion of slotting Placate for Range ... and what doing so might enable and/or make possible that can't be done (easily) without slotting for Range. Can you regale us with some stories about situations where slotting for Range allows you to "do things" that aren't possible otherwise?

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Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
Okay, now THAT'S interesting, Joe. I've honestly never entertained the notion of slotting Placate for Range ... and what doing so might enable and/or make possible that can't be done (easily) without slotting for Range. Can you regale us with some stories about situations where slotting for Range allows you to "do things" that aren't possible otherwise?
Sure! It's great for placating enemies with increased perception, and absolutely fantastic for stealthing long range enemies like Nemesis Comets while you're trying to get a hostage out without hide on.

Back in the day before IO's ruined PVP (I said it.) I used to placate perceptive heroes as I jumped towards them so I could land a critical on the way past (A bind that dropped Invisibility while activating Placate helped too). A range enhancement or two makes it a fantastic follow-up to a thrown shark. Hit placate as Spirit Shark is animating and keep right on the move in complete safety.

That latter can let you get the jump on a spawn from range in pve as well. Hit a minion with a ranged attack for a guaranteed crit/kill, and select the boss/placate while the ranged attack is animating. Jump in and either hit the other minion or score a crit on the boss.

I play tankers a lot as well, so I'm used to looking at the health bars in the team window. If a squishie's health starts dropping, all I have to do is click on the name, placate and throw a shark. A range enhancement virtually guarantees that they will be within placate's range.

Having said all that, though, slotting range instead of recharge really won't make a revolutionary change in the power's use. It just puts you one tactical move ahead of some situations. But since I've had so much less reason for Placate in general use, recharge has become much less valuable to slot.

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In Incarnate Trials, I use Placate for when I need to immediately get invisible and don't have time to wait to become hidden from Hide, haha. It's useful when I finish off a mob, and immediately run to the next group, placate the nearest one so I'm hidden, and then go AS the boss in the group.

The bunker doors in Keyes, after they're nearly destroyed, I placate them to become invisible and allow my Night Widow pet to finish off the doors, or league members, before rushing in to open the back door to grab the crates.

I still use it for spike damage with Assassin's Strike when it's recharged during AV fights, but that will change with i22.

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I really do understand that there are 'maths' behind this thread. I do. I get that some people are super fixated on dps and dpa and whatever else.

But..the notion that placate does not provide much of a damage boost? Ok, again, maybe the maths does support it, but, to me, I use placate..the attack does DOUBLE damage. Simple. That is..twice the damage. You know..a big deal.
Forget the dpa crap, you use placate to set up an as, avoid something nasty, get a certain crit on your next hit. That is why you have it. If people are so focused on dpa's and animation times, they are more interested in playing the numbers behind the game, than the game itself.

I think it is more of an issue that placate is still bugged, as was reported forever ago in the stalker forums.



You'd be amazed how much DPS is a factor when you decide you want to be big and bad and try to solo Nightstar in the BAF trial. It isn't just about min/maxing; it is about pushing yourself and your character harder than in the past. Making them better than the were; stronger, faster, smarter. Character growth doesn't stop at 50. As you roll with better players and better teams, more is expected of you. As you grow board of the +0/x1 runs and push the limits further, the demands continue to rise. That critical threshold where you move from the team supporting you to you carrying the team, that moment when there is an ambush or a hard enemy and you can turn to your teammates and go "Yeah, I got this. Don't worry" and you actually can handle it. That time where everyone is dead... BUT you, and you fend off the enemies and save everyone. There just isn't a feeling like it.

I am going to still be keeping placate in all of my builds that have it, however it is now going to be a one-slotted power used mostly for mez instead of the big beefy numbers. I just find myself in too many situations where there is an enemy that I want to stop attacking me for whatever reason. Also, I think all of my sets still have powers where using placate is beneficial.

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