So tonight's new ep of Tera Nova
or C) They learned from their errors and it will go on for a few seasons before being cancelled with Terra Nova being a great SF series.
Chances are that it will be A or B.
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.
or D) Fox will consign the show to Sci-Fi Death Slot Friday, where it will languish, and then they can say, "See? We gave it a chance, and it got even poorer ratings! We have to cancel it!"
But I'm not bitter. No sir.
I find your lack of signature disturbing.
or D) Fox will consign the show to Sci-Fi Death Slot Friday, where it will languish, and then they can say, "See? We gave it a chance, and it got even poorer ratings! We have to cancel it!"
But I'm not bitter. No sir. ![]() |

I too really dug last nights episode. Taylor is such a jackass, where did he manage to get a device that just happens to transmit the exact frequency the dragonfly was attracted to without having in made by Malcolm and then planting it in Shannons cabin. I'm still operating under the assumption that the Taylor/Mira conflict is a smoke screen.
Glad to see the focus of the show move away from the teenagers and their problems.
Story arcs:
The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]
Let your voice be heard! Sign the petition to keep CoH alive.
Based on what I've seen of this show it looks like they only really had about 3 episodes worth of decent story material and had to pad the rest with all the cheesy "Swiss Family Robinson with dinosaurs" filler just to make a full season out of it. It's sad because there was a chance they could have made something really cool out of this series.
At this point I've basically written the show off. Because I've "given up" on it it'll probably linger on for another 10 seasons the way other bad shows somehow manage to do.
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
After last nights episode, I'm drinking the Taylor Kool-Aid.
They way Taylor described the future wanting to use all of the resources of Tera Nova, I rather like how the conflict is slowly shaping up.
My wonderfully scientific mind sees two possibilities.
First, the future scientists are correct, and Tera Nova is in a alternate timeline/dimension. Shipping all sorts of equipment to strip mine the past leaves the future with much more resources than they previously had.
Second, the future scientists are wrong, and Tera Nova is really their past. They just couldnt find the probe because it was totally destroyed due to any of a dozen or more different reasons. But then we run into paradoxes. If tons of equipment is shipped back in time, metals, even plants and animals could be shipped back to the future. However, at this time in the past, theres no fossil fuels to dig up and ship back to the future. Now since the metals are being shipped forward, we start getting into paradox territory. Depending on how much mantle to crust to mantle churn has happened, a limited amount of metal in the crust in the past is still in the crust in the future. By taking the metals, minerals and what not out of the past, they are not there for nearer future people to pull out and use. Now depending on how they deal with this potential paradox in the scientists being wrong scenario, either those resources were never there for the nearer future to use to begin with, or they were there before people being sent to 2149, in which case the futures past changes and the resource crisis gets pushed to an earlier time. Im not worried about transporting trees, plants, vegetables and the like forward, because only limited amounts of those things in the right conditions turned into coal, oil, shale and the like. But taking all the minerals and ores from the past to the future could lead to some really interesting possibilities, including the fact that the future's resource crisis was brought on by the fact that they sent people back in time in the first place.
I am also of the persuasion that thinks Taylors and Miras discordant opposition may not be quite so bitter a rivalry. Things both sides say and do, make it seem like theyre working for the same goal with different means, even that Mira might be working for Taylor. Then there are things they the both say and do that really make it look like a bitter fight to the end. But I do have to wonder why Taylor hasnt just sent in a bunch of soldiers and wiped out the Sixers. If he sees them as a truly such a big threat to Tera Nova, and knowing about them having communications to the future, he really has no reason not to.
Fringe has been in that slot for two years now, and it's doing fine.
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On topic, this was the best episode yet. Capitalistic, money hungry future men want to turn the paradise of yesterday into strip mines. OCCUPY TERRA NOVA!

I find your lack of signature disturbing.
Here's my question: since the Powers That Be back in 2149 know Taylor's gone rogue (since the second Pilgrimage), why wait until the sixth Pilgrimage to do something about it. Every Pilgrimage should have been military commandos with the sole goal of taking Taylor out and re-establishing control of Terra Nova. Why would they let a loose cannon retain control of *their* colony?
Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."

Taylor only tells people what they need to hear.
Story arcs:
The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]
Let your voice be heard! Sign the petition to keep CoH alive.
I actually dug it, and it kind of ticks me off. Why? Because they did a semi deceint sci-fi adventure ep with moving the story forward and revealing a bit about Taylor's past and not a damn drop of the emo teen sucktasticness that they've shoved into every episode.
... which means either A) they'll never do it again or B) it will be cancelled