My love for Doms needs your help.
back around i12-i15 (i dont remember specifically when) domination had the dmg bonus removed and the dom ranged dmg scale was changed to be almost that of blasters, so doms have huge dmg potential now even without the use of domination
the 2 doms i usually run with are really pimped out earth/fire/fire and mind/fire/ice, both of which are perma domination
my mind/fire is extremely good at confusing things and ive almost solo'd MoITF with him (has immense aoe dmg but is not as good as locking stuff down as the earth dom, can perma confuse AVs and mobs though)
my earth dom is extremely good at control, i can lock down mobs no prob with domination and the fire APP really helps add to his aoe dmg with fire ball and rain of fire (he can run +0x8 with few problems)
as per your post, grav is ok but the animation times are really long and is still being asked for slight revamp to improve the animation times
fire control is not too bad, fire/psi doms were not the farming gods they used to be but when build right can still run +4x6 relatively easy (thats what my friend runs at with his fire psi)
mind is very good but it is amazing with perma dom, almost night and day difference
if your looking to get back into doms i suggest using a hard control set such as plant control or earth control, plant and earth when paired with fire assault are both very strong
Plant/Fire perma dom. Do it
Global: @Master Templar on Freedom.
"This here's my demon face. You see I'm Satan's onion...s-scallion.. 'Minion?' no, not that."
I've played a lot of dominators and Gravity/Fiery is the only combo that I made Perma.
It is very worth it. Nothing is more fun than teleporting majority of the mobs to the corner and **** them with your aoe.
Gravity/Fiery/Ice (Freezing Rain is too good to pass) or Gravity/Fiery/Fire (Fireball and Rain of Fire are good).
Take Hover because you are mostly range. You don't need to go melee for good dps. Just a simple Lift, Fire Blast and Blaze and good recharge, you'll be doing very good damage.
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
I returned to the game a few weeks ago and I've been exploring all the new options (I last played at the start of City of Villains for a month or two). My first major character was a stalker, but they didn't seem (my friend was playing a SS/Elec Brute, so I felt like I was worthless and contributed nothing) like they got much love. My second character was a dominator, and I played about 6 different dominators before I stopped playing.
So now that I am back, and had a few failed characters, I figured it was time to return to being a Dominator. I'm having much, much difficulty, however, in figuring out what to play. It's down to Grav/ Fire/and Mind/, with /fiery assault. My main idea is to play pretty much like a blaster, and having more *dps* is important to the build. Unless I'm missing much, minus fast casting time, Fire/ doesn't seem to have more than Grav/ or Mind/, but it does have a quick, especially with global recharge, stun, which would be useful for solo play and possible farming. I know Fire/ has more damage potential, but minus Hot Feet, it seems like most of Fire/ wouldn't make it into the rotation (atleast the ST rotation), and I hear the Imps die often in content that matters. While it sounds like I've ruled it out, I am still open to listening to the strengths of Fire/.
Grav/ seems to have a high damage in Lift, with a fast cast time and high damage, it appears to be the best damage per animation ability in a Dom primary. For a Dom blaster idea, it seems like a good set. With a pet that won't die, that adds to damage where others falter, I'd assume. Wormhole is also an ability that sounds really fun, but the knockback at the end of the ability seems to really hurt in a team situation, and that takes out one of two hard CCs the set has. Does the immoblize stop the Wormhole knockback effect?
And then Mind/. Of the six I had before, Mind/ made up three of them. The lack of pet hurts the damage idea to the build, but the multiple confuses help out in AoE situations, but what about ST? I'm pretty sure if I confuse something it won't start hitting itself if no one else is around. With fire as a secondary, though, Mind/Fire is a glorified God, from what I've read.
I've done a lot of research and know a lot about the strengths, so I guess the real quest here is to get opinions and experiences with the different builds. And is Grav/ really that bad? I would love to go Grav/, but it seems like a real lack of AoE CC could really hurt in the long run, or does it? I don't hear much about Grav/ minus "stay away, Mind/ rocks!". But the gimmick for my character can fit either of the three primaries, so I'm not too sold on either, hence my struggle.
I'm not necessarily interested in having to solo everything, but I do like to do stuff by myself often, so I need a build that is very solo friendly, preferably while beating on 0/4 or 0/8. Can any of those get up to +4/8 on a farm solo?
PS: The Inherent Domination used to give bonus damage, if I recall. Is that gone? I didn't notice it on my low, low level Doms recently, but maybe I was missing something or it kicks in higher level than I was? Or was it taken out due to the ease of Perma-Dom? (or am I imagining it ever existed at all?)