Fringe 11/4/11 *Spoilers*

Father Xmas



So Fringe was on last night. I believe this was the episode that was supposed to air last week, but got pushed back because of friggen Baseball.

Anyway, great to see Peter is back... even if nobody recognizes him. I thought for sure Olivia would start to remember something, but I guess not. Definitely liking how they're approaching the subject. Nobody trusts him but he starts to win them over with his awesome science-fu.

It looks like we'll be getting time anomalies added to the mix-bag of problems they have on the show. I'm curious to see the various ways they present them.

We also had confirmation that it's somebody from the second universe who's in charge of the shapeshifters*. Walternate would be too easy of an answer. More than likely it's a new person... because I can't think of anyone who could fit the profile (although I think it would be awesome to see Alt-Astrid behind it. She seems like she has the ability to play the cold 'it needs to be done, so i'll do it' role).

On a side note: Did anyone else notice the splash screen for the show was the one usually used for episodes dedicated to the alternate universe? I wonder what that means... Maybe it's just because Peter is back and he's originally from the other universe.

*Well, kinda. She (The shapeshifter) pulled out a typewriter and started communicating with someone from another universe. It's pretty safe to assume it's the one we already know of considering they've used the typewriter method before.



I'm guessing two things will come of this.

First Peter will escape and contact Walternate for help.

Second, it'll turn out it's not Walternate behind the new shapeshifters but the alternate timeline version of the group from the first season.

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