Once and Future Kings - Friday Nights on Exalted




Jane Tempus picks up the seismic recorder she hid under the main table's legs and performs an auto-playback of the last 24 hours as part of her usual routine, then sighs
"Soon ... very soon ... you will ALL understand ..."

Magmetic walks in
"Young Miss Tempus?"
"It seems that we may have to push the fight earlier than I hoped, dear friend. Already the others" - and she replaced the micro-recording device under another random location in the base - "grow suspicious of my motives, and our place. I will warn you now, be on the lookout. Our 'allies' may not remain so much longer."
"Yes, Young Miss Tempus."
Magmetic walks off

"You just don't understand, Cold Storage... ... perhaps I can MAKE you understand..."

My 50's

Plantatia, DyNaMique, Sentai Silhouette, Patchworx, Blaze Usagi, Enjoy the Violence, Miya Li, Faraday's Angel



Mission Log 17

In an attempt to deflect Cold Storage's criticism and delay - or avoid - the inevitable showdown, I was able to convince the others that working towards gaining favor and power with the local warlords would work well for concealing our true efforts. Magmetic joined one team - I have faith in her ability to work well without my presence - and I aided another team in acquiring the goals we set out. I must admit that this was a good start, but somehow I feel it may not be enough power - or trust - to deflect Cold Storage's mistrust long enough.

I also fear that TikTok will try again to ruin our plans. That would be the second time he tried. He should know by now - I don't allow you to live to succeed a second time. His death will garner no sorrow. But I wonder how the others will respond...

My 50's

Plantatia, DyNaMique, Sentai Silhouette, Patchworx, Blaze Usagi, Enjoy the Violence, Miya Li, Faraday's Angel



Mission Log 18

I suggested to others that we should blend in better with the locals, so it was time that we do more 'blending' work. Sadly, it ended up entailing getting the attention of the local heroes, and this was met with a resounding negative from the group as a whole. I fear my plans to convince Cold Storage of my intentions have backfired, and they will result in his total distrust of me when the time comes.

I've also managed to begin my plans for the next meeting - sorry, the final meeting with TikTok. I am almost giddy with anticipation for our next meeting, since I already know what the result will be...

Young Miss Tempus is currently incapacitated, so I felt I could put in my few words. Our dealings with the spirit that promised us a share of power for doing its bidding did not impress me, for we had to fight Pumicites. I felt a certain ....

My 50's

Plantatia, DyNaMique, Sentai Silhouette, Patchworx, Blaze Usagi, Enjoy the Violence, Miya Li, Faraday's Angel



Mission Log 19, with young Miss Tempus' permission

As young Miss Tempus needs more time to put her plans into fruition, I suggested to several others that we attempt to glean more information out of the being known as Mortimer Kal. My attempts to intimidate him were ignored by the others, but the result - more power for all of us - was what young Miss Tempus was hoping for. I also managed to ....

Sorry all, at this point I am blanking at what else we did - between late arrivals and no-shows, there weren't many people there, so a simple night was called for. I will get to work on the story arc soon, now that someone has typed here to give me more suggestions. And don't forget, this is your chance to be creative! We all come from different worlds, and have our own motives. So far, maybe 2 people have given me ideas as to what I can use for AE. Feel free to write and test something!

My 50's

Plantatia, DyNaMique, Sentai Silhouette, Patchworx, Blaze Usagi, Enjoy the Violence, Miya Li, Faraday's Angel



Mission Log 20, with young Miss Tempus' permission

Once again, I was asked to stall for young Miss Tempus as she arranges the next step. So I suggested we beat up some random do-gooders and gain power from the challenge. The others agreed, and I was more than happy to introduce fist to ...

sound of retching

*Sigh* I'm going to have to re-educate Magmetic on the finer points of telling a story without causing undue biological hazards in the telling. Meanwhile, I fear the next stage is almost ready - and I don't think it will improve others' opinion of us as leaders of the OAFK. I need them focused if we are ever going to....

My 50's

Plantatia, DyNaMique, Sentai Silhouette, Patchworx, Blaze Usagi, Enjoy the Violence, Miya Li, Faraday's Angel



This is Plantatia. I hope to have the AE arc typed up for NEXT Friday (March 9th) - so I hope to see stuff here by THIS Friday (March 2nd). Let's see some creativity!!

My 50's

Plantatia, DyNaMique, Sentai Silhouette, Patchworx, Blaze Usagi, Enjoy the Violence, Miya Li, Faraday's Angel



<29/02/2012 - 14:14:54>
<DC01 performing system check...>
<Error... Could not find leaf row in nonclustered index '%.*s' that corresponds to data row from logical data page %ld, row offset %d during update index attempt...>
<Attempting retrieval of listed data...>
<Partial retrieval complete>
<WARNING: Data corruption in progress of retrieved data>
<29/02/2012 - 14:17:47>
<"...Chronos is failing. My attempts to cause .....ed. They all..... again and the rest of the group is still unaware. These "Time" beings need to realise that Time is not the only power ..... day will learn this.
The Time "leaders" and their pets are still trying to regain their power - yet look at how slowly they are progressing. For beings of POWER over Time they sure are taking their Time (ohh thats good Ill....
.... ArchChronos is the weakest of the Leaders so he will be the first ....."

<Data corruption complete. 23% of data retrieved>
<Continue system check...>
<CAUTION: Possible data corruption detected in sectors 100254, 100488, 124443, 124455>
<Analyse sectors...>
<Corruption occured 29/02/2012 - 14:17:49>
<Attempting retrieval of corrupted data...>
<29/02/2012 - 14:20:02>
<Retrieval failed. Continue system check...>



Next arc is ready. Are YOU?

My 50's

Plantatia, DyNaMique, Sentai Silhouette, Patchworx, Blaze Usagi, Enjoy the Violence, Miya Li, Faraday's Angel



Well, next arc was ALMOST ready - large mistake in last mish. Will try running it again tomorrow.

My 50's

Plantatia, DyNaMique, Sentai Silhouette, Patchworx, Blaze Usagi, Enjoy the Violence, Miya Li, Faraday's Angel



Last week was a success - the arc was fixed, there was plot development, and people got closer to (or OVER) level 35 - the magic level. HOWEVER, this week, I will be unavailable this week, due to a staff party Friday night. I should be back next week, so keep your peepers peeled - I hope to have a plan for next week!

My 50's

Plantatia, DyNaMique, Sentai Silhouette, Patchworx, Blaze Usagi, Enjoy the Violence, Miya Li, Faraday's Angel



With most of us having toons at or above 35, I figured this weekend we might have a go at ITF. The alternate would be, naturally, Mortimer Kal, since he's the WST - and therefore useful for those who have been busy to catch up in levels to 35 for ITF admission.

My 50's

Plantatia, DyNaMique, Sentai Silhouette, Patchworx, Blaze Usagi, Enjoy the Violence, Miya Li, Faraday's Angel



This week we will begin patron arcs. This week will be Black Scorpion - choose one toon and come with us. Your other toon will be taking the Ghost Widow arc, which we hopefully will start tonight or next week.

My 50's

Plantatia, DyNaMique, Sentai Silhouette, Patchworx, Blaze Usagi, Enjoy the Violence, Miya Li, Faraday's Angel



We finished up to the Assault Malta Base mish (completed).

My 50's

Plantatia, DyNaMique, Sentai Silhouette, Patchworx, Blaze Usagi, Enjoy the Violence, Miya Li, Faraday's Angel



We've completed the Black Scorpion arc, and are most of the way through the Ghost Widow arc - if I recall correctly, we are on the last mission. We should hopefully finish up this upcoming Friday, and then I will be open to suggestions. I will also be working on the next AE arcs (I have 3 more planned) over Golden Week here in Japan, so hopefully May 4th or so we will have an AE arc to run.

If you care to write something, you are more than welcome! Just avoid all-AV missions and we are good.

My 50's

Plantatia, DyNaMique, Sentai Silhouette, Patchworx, Blaze Usagi, Enjoy the Violence, Miya Li, Faraday's Angel



Well, we've completed the second arc, and I will be working on the AE arc for this Friday. I would like to tell you that it will be done before then - it may NOT be, with what I have planned. If that is the case, I am open to suggestions, with the weekly being a good starting point - whatever it is.

My 50's

Plantatia, DyNaMique, Sentai Silhouette, Patchworx, Blaze Usagi, Enjoy the Violence, Miya Li, Faraday's Angel



Well, first of all, I'd like to offer an apology once again for the events of Friday night. I was not thinking straight, and while 2 separate teams may not have been the best way to go, ignoring the changes in the population base was equally dumb on my part. We'll get it right this week.

Or goal this week is simple - getting one toon ready to do the Lord Recluse SF. This requires that all 4 arcs are completed with the patron of choice. SHOULD you have time before Friday to do so, it would be appreciated. I will try and get it done as well, to give us options.

Hopefully, now that I am returning to a normal schedule here in Japan, I will return to a normal posting schedule here, too.

My 50's

Plantatia, DyNaMique, Sentai Silhouette, Patchworx, Blaze Usagi, Enjoy the Violence, Miya Li, Faraday's Angel



Random and I have both of our Exalted toons synced doing the patron arcs. Hopefully we will both be on the same time and get them completed, not that I think I will be up for running two Recluse SF on friday night.