reward tokens??




sooooooo zeill made a post about when were supoposed to be getting our tokens and points, but on the 4th i got 2 new badges from the vet rewards, but no tokens, so if it doesnt seem to be working like the post claims, has anyone gotten the tokens actually on the day their supposed to??, im supposed to be getting my points tomorrow, but for some reason, im not gonna be surprised if i dont get them, i have sent in a petition to see whats going on with this.

40 50s so far.
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Originally Posted by Doctor_Bob View Post
sooooooo zeill made a post about when were supoposed to be getting our tokens and points, but on the 4th i got 2 new badges from the vet rewards, but no tokens, so if it doesnt seem to be working like the post claims, has anyone gotten the tokens actually on the day their supposed to??, im supposed to be getting my points tomorrow, but for some reason, im not gonna be surprised if i dont get them, i have sent in a petition to see whats going on with this.
Reward Tokens should be awarded at the end of the billing period, points *should* be awarded at the start but anyone whose billing date was between the Freedom launch and this Thursday might not have had them yet and they should be awarded this week. I haven't had anything yet, so I don't know what's WAI and what isn't.

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Unfortunately, for confirmation purposes, my billing date is the 22nd, and my vet reward date is "around that time" too.

So I have about two weeks before I can confirm how things are working.