Revamping Claws




I don't mind new optional animations for anything.
I just don't think we need this that badly.
And I'd very happily go without it if we can instead, e.g., finally get an option for real, beast claws instead of metal blades. Lots of people on here have been asking for that and other things for years now.
So, don't take it personal when I don't jump behind your idea and scream, YES! THAT is what we need!
It's surely a good thing to have. But I have a lot of jumping to do elsewhere.



Originally Posted by Soul_System View Post
There is a core group on these forums that almost seems to take pleasure in attempting to roast any new idea in flames and then when implemented deny ever "REALLY" being against it. Reality is many times it's not even criticism that can be used helpfully but instead just an impediment and/or negative atmosphere to good ideas. I've suggested a few things but I'm not even including my own ideas in this judgement.
No, there isn't. There are people that see problems in various ideas that come up and point them out, generally getting - well, nonsense like "you just don't like any new ideas" back in response. No matter how reasoned out the objections to the idea are, even if the reasoning is *spelled out* in the post.

For instance, buffs becoming AOE. We were, frankly, told in the past that if they did so, there would be a cost to doing so - extra END, reduction in effectiveness, etc. Were they put in without that? Yes, surprisingly...

Yet I still get to laugh in game when I hear people complaining it doesn't help much, because they STILL have to track down the people who were not in the AOE (making it harder to keep track of buffs for some people,) or people complaining they didn't want the buff and got it anyway because they were in range - some of the *exact* counterpoints made to it, as well.



Originally Posted by SailorET View Post
At this point, why exactly would you spend so much time building alternate animations to hand out for free?
Sell the alternate animations then.
Isn't that what the Paragon Market is for?



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
This. It irks me to think they may just make entirely different sets from this point foward when ever a new idea comes up.
They could charge for alternate animations. I'd pay for a pack of alternate animations and the ability to color my PBs powers yesterday.
For the reasons you note, perhaps they will offer purchasable customizations one day.

Originally Posted by Dumoc View Post
I'm a vet with a couple of claws I enjoy playing and I think the animations could be improved, but most of all, I agree with BrandX. Now that we have animal costumes, I would love to be able to give my lion torso character big savage lion claws instead of metal blades.
There are a lot of character concepts that would benefit from open handed attacks down with a clawed hand instead of attached blades.



Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
For the reasons you note, perhaps they will offer purchasable customizations one day.
Problem is, the customizations have to be worth what they charge for them while netting them a profit.

Easy/cheap: adding hand animations for attacks like Stone Hammer, Fire Sword, Greater Ice Sword. They can easily add such without much effort. But how much would you be willing to pay? It's only about a powerset's worth of animations spread across 5 ATs. Would you pay as much for this as a powerset? Should they charge per-AT/powerset so you're charged smaller chunks but pay as much as a powerset for all these element attack theme customizations?

Not to easy/do you want it cheap?: Go look at the various alternate animations for the blast attacks. Yeah, they're 'different' but they're far from worthy of purchase...I can tell you, I'd only offer $2, maybe $3 for all those animations...and that's being generous. And yet I understand why they are so mundane. Because they had to match the times of the original animation. If the devs offered Claw animations but they were exactly the same but with open hands and charged $5 for them, I wouldn't even bother...and my only Claws character is a werewolf and would use them. Even at $2, I doubt I'd bother. Would the devs get their money's worth for this addition despite them expressing it being a difficult addition that has to do with changing the character stance? Or do you care?

The hard/expensive: Wands/weapons for blast sets and the like. It has a lot to do with the internal workings of stances and would require a lot of work to add such to the game. Would you pay a powersets worth for wand blast (for example) but only for fire blast? So you'd have to buy the same option for every other blast set you wanted to try? Just a hypothetical, but I'd imagine it's not easy or cheap to accomplish. You can say "Well just charge us for it" but seem to forget the devs have to invest time into it and must know if they can get their investment back in a reasonable amount of time.