Market should show which items you have already purchased

Justice Blues



I was told by a tech support answer that this does not exist, so here goes:
I'm purchasing a number of things on the market, and have been since the VIP early release. However, there doesn't seem to be any listing of what I have gotten-- or what's been included in the costume sets I already purchased. I know that for enhancement unslotters and such we can buy multiple, but for a single account, I really don't want to buy two of the same costume change emote or buy a cape I got with an earlier package purchase but didn't realize it before.

While such things don't show up as requiring a purchase in the costume creator, it would be very nice to have something-- a box marked "Already Purchased" or something-- on anything I purchased individually, or as a part of an existing set. As well, it would be nice to know which sets contain which item-- another box like "Part of the Magic Set" or "Part of the Origins Capes Set" would be pretty useful, too.



A valid request, I agree with you, keeping track of what I have purchased for which accounts can be difficult.