Can an Ice/Ice Skip Ice blast?




I played Ice on a Blaster when the first two powers were 1 second animations, I notice the Corruptor version got the same treatment as the Blaster and Ice Blast is a 1.67 Animation Time. (Ironically, the first two powers in Archery are 1 second even though the Blaster version abides by the Defiance Rule)

It feels so sluggish and I was spoiled by the old version. Is it possible to skip this and mostly use BIB and Ice Bolt?

Also noticed that the Dominator version still has the old 1 second animation too...



It's still a good power even at the current animation length. I understand your disappointment at how the flow of the set was changed, but if you're only going off of the worth of the power rather than the feel of the set, it's still worth taking.