Sister Psyche Portrait




Got bored.

She's one of my favorites out of the signature heroes. Her overall design could use some work, so I wanted to give her more of an edge. I also dig the longer hair. Makes her look more like an adult and less a teen.

I've got more work here: Just didn't feel like putting all of it up. Hope yall can dig it!



I really like your style!! so watching you!



Thank you. I had fun with her. I may do Positron next. I've got him sketched out and scanned into the computer. He could stand subtle changes here and there too. His overall design is too clunky for me.



Had a look through your gallery, you've done some really great stuff there mate, one to watch imo

My Mini-Comic
AE arc id: 464928



Definitely cool stuff going on in that galley...



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
Hey there Yin, cool re-imagining of Sister Psyche and welcome to the Artz section of the forums.
I'd really like to see your version of Positron.
Thanks man!

I actually have him sketched up. I've just been too lazy to make it digital. I'll see if I can get him done this week.



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
Oh? You draw in pencils first?

Then scan them into the computer and transfer it over to Photoshop to start the digital process.