Annnd Another DCnU team shuffle




Originally Posted by ShoNuff View Post
Sooo the new thing is with DCnU don't fall too in love with the writing team... because everyday they're shuffln'
Booooo! Bad ShoNuff, no cookie for you!

Given Perez's health issues the last few years, I don't find it too surprising that he might not be able to keep up both writing and art chores on a regular title for long. And at least Giffen and Jurgens are a good team.

There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy



That's very true. I met George at a convention last year and during his Q&A, he mentioned that he did things like JLA/Avengers because of the arthritis creeping into his hands, which is the worst thing ever for an artist like him. So he's knocked out as much as he can while he can still perform.

I also wouldn't be surprised if he left because the modern Superman disagrees with his very Silver Age mentality.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse