I thought /bug no longer automatically initiated the /petition interface?
The problem was that using /bug was opening the /petition window during Beta. That is all that got corrected. I believe there were other problems with /bug and /petition happening at the same time that they didn't notice (such as what the commands did once you clicked Submit), or the fix broke the behavior of the /petition window to now treat it as a /bug window once you click Submit.
I filed a /bug report in game right after this change. I got no emails for filing the /bug report. I wasn't expecting one as I haven't gotten emails for /bug reports in a long time.
I also filed a /petition a few minutes later as it was also something that I needed them to correct (Temp power not awarding). I got no email for this either. I WAS expecting an email.
So I went to the support site and filed a support ticket. It was escalated. The GM that responded next said it was being handled on the ticket on my other support account. HUH?
I finally figured out another username/password to use and logged in. Sure enough, they were classifying my /bug report as a bug and passing it along.
The ticket for the petition was there as well with no actions taken.
I updated that asking for a response and got a reply that if I needed in game support to file a /petition instead of a /bug. After explaining the entire process and that I did file a /petition and that is what was being responded to but mislabeled a /bug report by their system they took care of the problem, said they weren't aware of any problems with the /petition system but that I could also use the in game Menu > Support option if I needed in game assistance in the future.
Doesn't that open the same window as /petition does? If it opens the same window, doesn't it behave the same?
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero.
ah, I actually submitted a /bug and a /petition a couple of nights ago, they are actually different windows (different options available to mark it down under), although at a casual glance they do like the same
The /petition window actually has an option for harassment and a couple of others, whilst the /bug doesnt have them. They do also have a couple of options that are the same as well (IIRC).
I didnt get as many replies as you to them, instead they had separate incident numbers.
The window it opens is indeed different, but the back end behavior (what happens after you click Submit) is apparently now broken.
Filing a /petition looks to them like you filed a /bug report. That is the currently broken part.
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero.
Filing a /petition looks to them like you filed a /bug report. That is the currently broken part.

And, yes, I think this is a back-end problem. I've always seen the /bug command open the proper window, but for a good two years now, every time I submit a bug, the game treats it like I submitted a petition. I get a response e-mail and the "petition" shows up in My Stuff on my Customer Support account as open, closed only after three days, or if I choose to close it myself, which I rarely do since I submit a petition from in-game.
So it's completely the reverse now? You sumbit an in-game petition and the game files it as a bug report? Yikes! Before, the problem was largely one of efficiency - your bug still got submitted, but you wasted a bit of CS time and everything had to be handled on a slightly higher level. Now, though, if Petitions go under the wrong folder and no response ever happens to them, that could constitute a legitimate problem that WILL bite a few people.
Every new release brings with it unforeseen showstopping bugs if you do just the wrong things in just the wrong order. As I mentioned before, I managed to break the Dr. Graves mission to confront Crosscut by talking to the Skull too earling, causing the Skull to refuse to follow me, causing me to be unable to confront Crosscut. I managed to fix it on my own, but I WOULD have petitioned and waited under normal circumstances.
Yeah, seems like something with the back end is wrong, and has been wrong for quite a while. Let's hope it gets sorted before too long.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Remember those patch notes where it said:
Then today I reported a bug - Minions of Igneous have their index fingers constantly extended in their idle animations. An hour later, I received FOUR e-mails from Customer Support. One told me they identified my petition as a bug report, another responded to the first one told me that they've identified my petition as a bug report TWICE, then I got another one telling me the same, then another one telling me the same TWICE, all within about 10 seconds of each other.