"Learning" Task/Strike Forces and Trials

Heavenly Perverse




I've been on a lot of task forces/leagues and usually with great teams that know exactly whats going on and where to go and how to get things done quickly. This is awesome. But, because the teams I'm on are always so great, and I tend to only play support characters at high levels therefore paying more attention to peoples health/buff bars than the fighting going on around me, I really don't feel like I have any clue whats going on. Everything happens so fast! I end up just playing follow the leader.

I'm wondering if others are interested in going through a bunch of these TFs/SFs/Trials in slow "learning"/"figuring it out" mode. I can read about the tactics for these on the forums but without really going through the maps and knowing where things are and what to do I would lack confidence in assembling a team myself to do them (unless said team was formed specifically to attempt these in the hard way). I also need my MO badges for a lot of the new ones and don't want to get on an MO attempt without having gone through the trials slowly and actually knowing what should be going on when.

So, is there any interest in getting a group of people together to go through a series of these slowly? We could pick one or two a week, set a time in the evening, I'll read up on the tactics and maps ahead of time and we could try them out? Thanks!!

Shoshara Annwn 50 Empathy/Dark Defender
Chimerical 50 Illusion/Kinetics Controller
Lheannan Sidhe 50 Zombie/Dark MasterMind
Tiny Tank 41 Ice/Mace Tank



Some people still do these the slower more informative way. I'd highly suggest not joining speed runs such as speed itfs if you still feel confused on some of these. But most regular leaders have very descriptive macros and binds explaining everything.

Make sure you have a chat tab window that you can always read with request and league chat in it. I suggest labeling the window as Events or Raids and adding: request, league, event messages, hero events, praetoria events and villain events to it. So all that info is there in one window for you to read. Stretch the window enough so you can see more than 5 lines of text.

I usually use request when I lead trials and old zone raids such as the msr and I know a few others still do. So that's why I suggest adding it to a tab.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



I guess my post wasn't really clear. I don't have problems running the speed runs, I don't get lost, I enjoy them and know what I'm suppose to do and when generally. I'm not particularly confused about whats happening. I just wouldn't feel comfortable leading them or forming them would like to do some slow runs so I would. I thought maybe others felt the same way.

For example, I've never been on an ITF where someone else didn't pull Romulus and Requiem from wherever they are. So while I've been on hundreds of ITFs of various sorts, I couldn't lead or form one confidently because I don't know where they are.

Maybe its the ATs I play, but I rarely have time to be able to type in chat while on a TF.

Shoshara Annwn 50 Empathy/Dark Defender
Chimerical 50 Illusion/Kinetics Controller
Lheannan Sidhe 50 Zombie/Dark MasterMind
Tiny Tank 41 Ice/Mace Tank



Noyjitat is right - there are still people who do these things at a much slower pace.

How about you give us a list of which task forces you'd like a slower pace on?
Liberty is blessed to have some very capable leaders. I'm sure a number of them would be willing to help.

If I have the time, I have a number of toons that still need a number of badges and would be happy to contribute.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Hey Shosh. Enderbean and I will be hosting some trials at a slower pace. We are working out the details and want to have people enjoy it as well as get the badges. I was going to make an announcement soon (tm). You definately got my butt in gear. I too dislike not knowing what is going on hence this is excellent that you brought it up. I am psyched for some trials and learning.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012



Sho, I feel the same way. I'd like to "learn" the TFs and Strikeforces better to feel more confident in running with the "veterans"



I'd like to help anyway I can. Shoot me a tell whenev

@Heavenly Perverse

Kill the enemy. Take their souls. Drink their blood.



As a returning player, i too would like to get in on this. Although i spent most of my time before on small teams and didn't get alot of the TF/SF's in.

I'll help however i can.

I think my handle is @Agni Vulcanus (double checked and it is correct).

I'll have to double check that i guess (my head has been spining with all the things i forgot since i left over 2 years ago LOL).



I'd be interested in helping out with something like this.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
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