Awakened problems with my Warshade.




I have been trying to run First Ward with my level 28 Tri-form Warshade and I am having an extreme problem with the Awakened. Any tips for dealing with their recharge debuff and psionic damage that I can implement to help me survive the arks that they are in?


Posted seems to me you're in the same boat any other character without psi protection is in, but you have tools the tools to mitigate that problem (unlike some other AT's). Slap them with the stun cannon before they slap you. Gravity well the troublemakers. Hoverblast in Nova. Use inspirations. Etc etc. Can even join a team if you can't do it on your own.



Honestly, I think just about every AT besides those resistant to -recharge or those packing a heap of psionic defense will have trouble with Awakened. Preatoria enemy groups are usually much more difficult than "normal" game content found in Heroes/Villians level 1-30. Also, pisonic enemy groups are generally much more difficult, unless you're a Dark Armor or something.

But you are probably already aware of that. xD

Anyways, because each shapeshift form only has so many powers to use, and the -recharge really hurts squid and lobster the most, try to see if you can afford a winter's gift +20% slow resist. It helps, not immensely, but every little bit counts.

Try lowerering your mission setting when up against those groups, I know that helped me specifically on my 'shade. Dwarf doesn't get any psionic resist (sadly) so he wont be as effective.

Carry lots and lots of lucks/purples and greens. If they can't hit you, they can't debuff you.

Lastly, don't be afraid to switch forms. I say this because that was my biggest problem on my warshade at first. Once I popped into dwarf, I was in "tank mode" and would lose track of everything else. Rather, let your forms flow with each other, if all your powers in Dwarf or Squid are used up, drop forms and use something else. Stygian Circle is amazing, I use it almost everytime it recharges because I burn through end (and hp sometimes ;o) so fast. If you want to read up on a great Warshade guide, that really helped me personally, look up Dechs Kaison's "MFing Warshade Guide." I'm sure there are plenty of other great guides out there too.

Hope this helped, and have fun!



Originally Posted by Weather Lord View Post
] Dechs Kaison's "MFing Warshade Guide." I'm sure there are plenty of other great guides out there too.

Hope this helped, and have fun!
I Second that, Dechs' Guide helped me immensely. It really opened up my eyes to how to really utilize the forms as another attach chain rather than a "mode."

A decent warshade combo that i've found to use with troublesome enemy groups is to:
Use both mires --> Gravitic Emanation --> Nova form and spam both AoE attacks. Almost NOTHING survives. and anything that does (accept for bosses) are stunned. Which is what gravity well is for, if the troublesome guy survives then hold him still and (if you have it) use unchain essence on the closest dead body to the troublesome guy.

I always try to use the group stun AFTER i mire because the chance to hit the entire group SKYROCKETS!



Damn my poor /EA stalker (EA has a psi hole) felt like he didn't have a secondary there, even the Empath couldn't heal him fast enough when the psi stuff started flying around.