Things To Do While Waiting For Freedom To Finalize...




Yeah... what the thread title said... sheesh guys... do I have to re-explain everything?

* UStream Drinking Game... Hear a tangent... Take a shot...

* Enter password... Nope... not this time... ten seconds should be a long enough wait between log-in attempts, right? Enter password... Dang!... I know they said ten hours but surely they exagerated... Enter password... Aw flubbatawugget!!... come on!... fifteen minutes is MORE than enough time to download this thing!... Enter password...

* Watch UStream... try to get Zwill (or whoever is replacing him during his bio breaks) to say your name on-air... 1 pt per mention... winner gets a Zwillinger plushy!

* One million two hundred thousand three hundred forty two bottles of Enriche on the wall... One million two hundred thousand three hundred forty two bottles of Enriche... take one down... pass it around... One million two hundred thousand three hundred forty one bottles of Enriche on the wall...

* Get everyone in Chat to chant "Toga! Toga! Toga!" during the UStream broadcast... don't stop until one of the Devs actually WEARS a Toga...

* Dress your Star Wars, GI Joe, Masters of the Universe, Barbie or whatever action figures you have up as your favorite characters and enemy groups. Film your battles while saying aloud the damage done, powers used, and other statistical information for the camera to record. When done, send video to the NCSoft help desk with a demand that the appropriate xp, influence, etc be sent to the appropriate one of your characters.

* During the 8th or 9th hour of the UStream broadcast, when Zwillinger is beginning to phase in and out of reality, try to convince him it's the Jerry's Kids Telethon and he's Jerry Lewis. Bonus points if you can get him to be an angry Jerry who came on the telethon only to bad-mouth the people who kicked him off in the first place.

* Call naughty 1-900 number and convince person answering to pretend to be your favorite Signature Character. If they say something that seems out of character, demand your money back.

* In Chat send suggestions to Beastyle, Frietag or TheNet of practical jokes to play on Zwillinger while he is on air. You get 1 pt per suggestion they comment on and 10 pts per suggestion they actually follow through on. Winner gets 1 hour of play time with Zwillinger, who will no doubt be "oh-so-eager" to help you out after the "great fun times" you just put him through in front of a world-wide audience.

* 10 Hours of the Following: "Oh... I am SO going to get Beam Rifle with my points as soon as it's up! On the other hand, those extra salvage slots on all my characters would be killer... No.. No... definitely Beam Rifle... or Costumes... after all my character Uber-Mannz doesn't look as Uber as he could be... Hmmm.. I should check out that spreadsheet I made of the items and pricing again... maybe I could squeeze in both..."

* Listen in as Zwillinger calls the Ustream support staff while on-air to see if there's anyway he can perma-ban Steelclaw from participating in it ever again.

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Originally Posted by Steelclaw
* UStream Drinking Game... Hear a tangent... Take a shot...
But I don't want to die of alcohol poisoning...



*applauds* Bravo! I'll be murmuring the Enriche song under my breath all day, I think.



Cleaning my apartment, sadly. So many cat fur tumbleweeds to be Swiffer'ed



do anime, watch laundry



was playing dragon age origins. Elf Mage ftw!



Play Aion (and do laundry and cook dinner)

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.