



So I have been busy in R/L and not playing much lately... I will be prepping for the hurricane approaching and may or may not be evac'd since it is landing on us in the SE VA /NE NC area...So it may be a while longer before I am on again.....looking forward to seeing everyone when I get back...hopefully before the new stuff comes out. Besafe any others that are getting hit.



Here's to hoping it isn't too bad for you. Look at it this way, at least you aren't on a ship. They had to beat feet out of there before the storm. Speaking from experience it truly sucks having to babysit a ship through a hurricane.

Proud member of the Hard Liquor party

Unofficial leader of PAAS (Paragon Association for the Advancement of Stoners)



Stay safe 0mega! We'll see ya after the storm passes.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.