Who influenced you in this game?




Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Dechs, and his ability to revive my MFing Warshade, as well as being the only other forum-going Dark Armor advocate before IO's and the buffs to the set; being a level 50 Dark/Dark Brute before Issue 9 was both glorious and infuriating; constantly hearing both ends of the spectrum ("Wow, I didn't know Dark Armor could do that"/"wtf why r u using dark armor it sux") made it an interesting ride.
For me the Gamester, Im not sure how many people remember him, who wrote the DM/DA Bible was the my biggest influence to playing DM/DA.



Originally Posted by SuperBull View Post
For me the Gamester, Im not sure how many people remember him, who wrote the DM/DA Bible was the my biggest influence to playing DM/DA.
You're thinking of The Gamemaster, another old-school quant I haven't seen in a lot of years.

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I got into this game because 2 of my RL friends were playing it and talking about it a lot so I went to Wal Mart and picked up a copy. This was my first MMO. First character I made was a fire/fire tank. When I first started playing this game, I had no idea what was going on. I thought about returning the game to the store. My RL friend came over to my house and he told me to make a scrapper because tanks suck. I didn’t question him, I just said ok. He made scrapper for me. I said let’s make a dark/dark scrapper but he said that dark was weak, so he made a Kat/Inv for me since he had a MA/SR and my other friend had a BS/Regen. He designed a costume for me that til this day I still use. 2-3 months later they left the game so I turned to the forum community.

The scrapper community has been really helpful. Arcanaville, BillZ and Stupid Fanboy to name a few.

My influence for making an Ice tank was an SG named Ulric. Ulric(Ice/mace) was one of the only Ice tanks I knew off. Back then Ice Tanks was rarely played. He left shortly after I decide to make an Ice Tank. Aetthorn and Circeus(who I havnt seen on the forum in years) were 2 of the leading source of information when it came to Ice tanks for me.

There have been many other people that have influenced me over the years. Some are here and some are not.

Sometimes I think to myself that it would be nice to see some of the old veterans return. Gone but not forgotten.



Wow. I am very pleasantly surprised by this thread and quite humbled by some of the posts. I've been away from the game for a long time, only occasionally popping in to check on things and a thread like this reminds me of how amazing this game's community has always been.

I guess I didn't have any early influences in the game; I kind of forged my own stubborn way through an energy blaster, which was roundly derided as a power set, until I figured a few things out and decided to write about it one day. I did learn quite a few tricks from MsKnight though.

The Legion of Freedom really took this game to a new level for me however; the players in that group are not only great people, whose friendship I cherish, they're all freaking amazing players. Now that I'm just putting my toes in the water once again I find myself learning a tremendous amount from them!

The Legion of Freedom



Well that IS a tough question.

Hard to narrow it down to a name because it was really a bunch of names together. I think as far as in-game I have to give a shout out to everyone from the original Team Awesome1A from Justice.

Then of course the FanArt community

All the old gang from LOJ on Justice.

But if I had to name one single biggest influence it would have to be my brother Lokie who got me hooked and helped me create TA in the first place.

It has always been the community that kept me coming back. Community being the Justice, FanArt and Forum Games in general

The Legion of Freedom



@XPP01 and @TiSana: For showing me that from hot blood can spring great things. I may have agreed on very little with them at any given time(to put it lightly), but regardless of that, the things that came from what we did agree on always turned out amazing.

@AceMACE and @Omegaof9: For demonstrating, unequivocably, that progress is less about certain knowledge of the way to go, and more about showing up even when it looks like there's no further to be gone. These two, and the groups they led, accomplished more for the players of this game through sheer heart and faith in each other than most will ever know.

@Biotron and @iltat: These two showed me that doing what you believe in is more important than being everyone's best friend. More alike than I think either would be comfortable with, they both blazed trails for excellence, honor, and ethics in gameplay, but more importantly, they both did so from different stances, which often led to conflict. And yet, when the chips were down, both have been quick to stand up for what's right, even in the face of mass disapproval, and even if it meant standing up for people who'd treated them like dirt. They're both incredible examples that a thick skin isn't just about being able to weather the slings and arrows of others, but about stepping forward to take MORE fire for the right reasons.

And finally, though to my knowledge he's never played CoH, my old QWTF clan leader. Yoarashi[DJedi]. Competetive, exacting, humble, patient, honorable - he demanded excellence from us not through exhortation, or praise, or rewards, but by simply being the example of what he wanted to see. He was the first to sit himself when someone better suited to the job was present, the first to bow out in favor of giving a new player time. He made us want to be not just better players, but better people. From him I learned everything I know about how to treat teammates, let alone lead anyone, and I don't believe I'll ever be a tenth of what he was. Wish I knew where he was.

Marut, 50 FF/Rad/Power Defender - Champion
Leader of The Earthguard
Leader of The Galactic Empire



Psygon and Gonk without a doubt in my mind.

I met them when i had just transfered from Us to EU, they were duoing in Faultline, i asked if i could join em, they said yes and on that route its been. Had some wonderfun fun times with them, and the rest of the Iron Monkeys



Originally Posted by SnipeFu View Post
I kind of forged my own stubborn way through an energy blaster, which was roundly derided as a power set, until I figured a few things out and decided to write about it one day.
Thank you sir!

P.S. It's great to see you back around as well.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
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