Kapow! Metafanzine




Thanks Rodoan

Just to let people know, now I'm not distracted by DXP I'm starting my work on the British issue and I'm welcoming any content anyone is willing to contribute.

((Metafanzine Published by @Chaos Bunny))
Unionverse Page | Virtueverse Page



Alright, real life and computer issues have intervened but I am back to working on this! I am still in desperate need of content and welcome anything you fine people have to offer.

I am also in the process of setting up a Kapow! blog to post articles and gossip on and welcome contributors for that (I will keep you updated on how it progresses). I will be using the blog to post some of the articles for the next issue when I get them as well so you can see progress and get a sneak peek of the upcoming 'print' issue.

((Metafanzine Published by @Chaos Bunny))
Unionverse Page | Virtueverse Page



The new blog is setting up here. Just a couple of posts to stop it being an empty space but I will be adding more soonish.

((Metafanzine Published by @Chaos Bunny))
Unionverse Page | Virtueverse Page



I've been working on a few business card style adverts for my freelance Mu mage that I can send your way, once done? In fact, I've got two now that'll do.

(I don't know if anyone ever came to a concensus for a country code top-level domain for the Rogue Isles, but co.et for Etoile seemed sensible and isn't in use.)



Awesome! I approve muchly I shall keep those saved for the next issue and may comment on them on the blog if I feel the pull to write some random IC geekery ^^

((Metafanzine Published by @Chaos Bunny))
Unionverse Page | Virtueverse Page