Quick Necro question




Is it uh, is it normal for Grave Knights to sometimes just sit back and do nothing but toss out long range spells? I swear I've had fights where at least one of my knights didn't draw his sword a single time.

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
Is it uh, is it normal for Grave Knights to sometimes just sit back and do nothing but toss out long range spells? I swear I've had fights where at least one of my knights didn't draw his sword a single time.

Yep, less common than it used to be but it still happens.

I have Control-click bound in order to wrangle them closer and x bound to attack for when they get there).

/bind ctrl+lbutton "petcompow knight goto defensive"
/bind x "petcompow knight attack aggressive"

Once they drawn the swords they'll keep using them (they'll still Blast as well mind) so once you've gotten them in close and you hear the swords being drawn they'll carve away for you until they exit Combat Mode again and sheath.

I also have one Zombie (Called Mr Grey) bound to suicide runs in order to take the Alpha and so I can summon Spirits from his corpse.

/bind alt+lbutton "petcomname grey goto aggressive"



Thank you for the reply. I just wanted to make sure I hadn't done something screwy. *Laughs*

And a suicidal zombie eh?

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"