sorry to the baf team last night!
Youre not the only one suffering those PIGG crashes again mate - I dc'd 3 times on one baf, once on the second, and then gave up myself.
Shame to think the powers to be are going to launch another issue soon with out addressing these stability issues.
This time, even reducing my graphics didnt save me - strange considering I had deleted the COH directory earlier in the day and new installed the damn program.
Double shame that I hadnt experienced a PIGG crash for quite a while - seems to have bocome more severe with the last patch.
Get away from that computer once in a while!
Opinions are like bottoms, we all have one, and they usually stink.
Hey Damz,
You weren't always EU Damz in the forums were you? If you managed to change you forum name how did you do it?
He probably had to do a name change because someone on the US servers had the same global name, and, to stop duplicate globals, he had to put EU in front of his name.
Get away from that computer once in a while!
Opinions are like bottoms, we all have one, and they usually stink.
Hey Damz,
You weren't always EU Damz in the forums were you? If you managed to change you forum name how did you do it? |
Depends when you knew my forum handle

Noobbuster damz
Baby damz
I think there is still a way to change your forum handle but you have to PM either Avatea or Zwillinger for the exact information [the thread for how to do it will be in the announcements but its going to be at least a year or two old].
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Sorry to the baf team i was on last night as my blaster, the game crashed with a PIGG error popping up [seriously what is it with those?] and game crashed back to desktop with the whole computer then going slow for a good 10/15 minutes but i gave up with the whole thing i just gave up trying to get back on.
Sorry again players!
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!