★edit /helpwindow?




January 2011 is not that old.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



★my point is its outdated now, or im doing something wrong. i have a lot of the menu stuff going great, such as /popmenu, but i cant get this to work? i couldnt help but wonder if it was bc of the New window?



yes, zombieman... that link you just forwarded to me again is the same link in my post i just posted first... is there a way to convert the help me / helper status help window to the older one? or? because this isnt working.



Are you just trying to get the badge locator help stuff working? If so, then I have a community mod installer, that also has a lot of other useful stuff as well, though you can deselct everything except the badge helper stuff.

To answer your question directly, no you can't change to the old style, but you must be doing something wrong, as the badge location /help stuff works perfectly fine for me today with the new window.

Victory Wiki
Login Screen changer (OS X/Windows/*nix)
Web based Base designer
SO/DO Enhancement Standardization Pack
CoH Community Mods Installer



i'd be greatly appreciative if you could give me that, neo. please and i Do mean the /helpwindow stuff, not the /popmenu badgereporter, to clarify



thanks so much!

This has worked for me for the /help command! turns out, it MAY be because i placed the /help file in the /MENU folder, aposed to now that download has placed it in a new folder under the data stuff as /HELP. thanks!