Flashback Consistency
Maybe your flashback was just a drug-induced hallucination and never really happened
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That doesn't explain why Penelope is saying it's closed, when it's clearly open.
I recently started a dominator, and, to take advantage of Yin's Market, sent one of my 50s to go get some SO enhancements to email to her. Now, when I got the door, it was locked, and Penelope told me that Yin's market was closed. Strange, because I quite like the Faultline arcs. How could I miss it? Ah, well, that's what Ouroboros is for. I scraped through that, and, feeling proud of myself, finished the arc by talking to Penny in person, rather than phone.
Now here's where the problem is. I clicked on her again, but she told me that Yin's market was closed until her father got back. I clicked on the door, and got in normally. Bought the enhancements I wanted, and emailed them to my new dominator, but Penny still acts as though we never met. Given that it's been a long time since Ouroboros was introduced, I'd think that the devs can now give this more consistency. I'd like it if the contacts I flashback to join my inactive tab, and that they respond to me appropriately, rather than act as though we never met.