Need some expert eyes- Tri-Form Build




Hi All,

I have an all human WS that I love and finally decided to make a triform. Instead of making a second build, I built another so I could possibly have a WS on 2 servers.

I have been playing this guy with regular IOs minus a couple of Performance shifters, KB and etc... In playing him, I discovered I rarely use Dwarf except for the Mire and periodic mez (Clarion planned for that). That being said, I do love Nova and was hoping to:

1. Live in Nova - Use human to mire/eclipse/stygian (launching pad really)
2. Have Perma eclipse/hasten
3. Have as much ranged defense as practical
4. Have as many pets out as possible
5. Nasty Damage output

Please critique before I start stripping IOs of toons I rarely use anymore....

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Based on the criteria you gave, this looks like a workable (albeit expensive) build.

1. Live in Nova - Use human to mire/eclipse/stygian (launching pad really)
This should be viable so long as you have the timing down well enough to keep Eclipse running and to use Mire and Circle to keep your damage and endurance up. Your nova blast powers are well-slotted and with Mire on top of that you should clean house most of the time.

2. Have Perma eclipse/hasten
Check. The only hitch here is that if you are living in Nova most of the time you may not keep Hasten up completely perma, but you should be switching to human form for Eclipse, Circle and Mire often enough that a Hasten set on autofire should go off without much of a hitch.

3. Have as much ranged defense as practical
Unfortunately the amount of recharge to obtain goal #2 also limits how far you can pursue goal #3, but given the amount of Resistance you can throw around with Eclipse and how much healing power you have in Stygian Circle, I would say that what you have here should be good - you can always pack lots of purple inspirations since I doubt you'll need much of any other kind once you get Clarion rolling. You might also consider slotting the Gladiator's Armor +def proc to get that much more Defense into the build, though of course that will be quite expensive. I'm not sure I would spend the inf for it, but it's the only thing I can see doing to get you more defense without compromising the build in some other way.

4. Have as many pets out as possible
This goes hand-in-hand with goal #2 so you should be good here so long as you keep up the killing speed so that you always have a body ready when you need to use Extraction. You should be able to maintain two or three without much trouble and four at once for a brief periods if you really get into a groove.

5. Nasty Damage output
If you have your Dark Nova form firing on all cylinders then you should have pretty great damage output and be nigh-unkillable while you have Eclipse running, which should be pretty much all the time.

You might consider the Musculature Core Paragon alpha for more damage versus the Spiritual Core Paragon alpha for more rechage and stun. With a Nova-centric build like this, I think I might go for the Musculature, but you could always craft both and swap them out depending on the foes you are facing.

Judgment will also help with the damage output, of course. For Interface, I would call it a toss-up between Reactive for more damage and Diamagnetic for the -tohit (to stack with your Defense from the IOs). Reactive is probably going to be the better bet most of the time since you will usually wipe things out and won't have to worry about debuffing their to-hit. You'll go Clarion for Destiny, of course. Haven't had a chance to review all the new Lore pets and which ones have a leg up over the others, but the extra damage there will be nice too regardless of what you end up choosing.

This build should be an absolute monster for most PvE content and once it gets rolling can clear maps like not much else can. Your biggest hurdle is going to be taking on tough single enemies like AVs since you'll quickly run out of fuel for Eclipse, Circle and Mire and then gradually your Essences will expire and leave you going toe-to-toe in a reduced capacity. Your best bet for fights like this is to get supercharged with Eclipse and Mire right before entering battle and throw everything you have at the enemy in the opening few seconds of the fight - Lore pets, Judgment powers, Geas of the Kind Ones accolade, the works. Time is not on your side in these fights, but often you can pull out a quick win.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



Build for s/l defense instead of ranged... You need to LIVE in melee for your self buffs, and s/l is the best way to go. I got mine to 30% with 185% global recharge and not gimping anything.



I would definitely go with S/L rather than building for melee defense, especially given the OP's stated intention to play primarily in nova form with the other forms mainly as buffing platforms. I wouldn't say ranged defense is a bad choice given that playstyle, but S/L is good both melee and ranged and covers much of the game's enemies. Energy/NegEnergy you'll already resist fairly well even without Eclipse, which only leaves Fire/Cold (relatively uncommon), Toxic (rare, and not much helps with it anyway) and Psy. Eclipse doesn't help with Psy so that's the one area where I can see Ranged being superior - but you could just as easily simply not fight Carnies or Psychic Clocks.

Still, in most situations, having about 30% S/L is likely to be more valuable than 20% ranged. It's a personal preference situation, and I don't think either is a bad move. You can be very hardy against most content with some specific weaknesses or you can be less tough but perform more evenly. Since probably something like 85% or more of the game's enemies use some form of S/L damage, however, those specific weak points are probably going to be few, far between and easily avoided for the most part. YMMV.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



To be fair, the goal is always to get back to Nova form because it's the source of most of your damage.. Trouble is, you need to shift constantly to keep your dwarf mires stacked, fire human mire as often as possible, and be sure to drop to human when eclipse/hasten is up. Sure it would be great to always be in Nova form, blasting at 300% damage with 85% resistance to all damage and not have to drop to any other forms.. but it doesn't work that way. You'll need to shift constantly to keep your damage up, the dwarf mire expires quickly and the human mire is on a long recharge.



Here is what I came up with should I decide to go the S/L route vs ranged. Feel free to critique this one too. Not sure I will go this route but would not mind having another option ready to go.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |



Originally Posted by Justaris View Post
Eclipse doesn't help with Psy so that's the one area where I can see Ranged being superior - but you could just as easily simply not fight Carnies or Psychic Clocks.
Eclipse offers the same resistance to psi as it does to everything else.

Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Trouble is, you need to shift constantly to keep your dwarf mires stacked, fire human mire as often as possible, and be sure to drop to human when eclipse/hasten is up.
I think shifting to dwarf for its mire is not really worth it anymore, since it has the shorter duration. If you start in a mob in Dwarf and do the double mire bind trick, then it's still worth it, but I don't waste time switching to dwarf then back to nova. YMMV though, as obviously you'll get a larger damage bonus.

My personal take on it is if you plan to stay in nova form most of the time, go ranged defense; if you plan on giving a little more time to either of the other forms, go s/l. I have two builds for that reason myself.

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Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
Eclipse offers the same resistance to psi as it does to everything else.
Thanks for the correction there - I'm not sure what I was thinking. Probably just sleep deprivation talking.

Btw, I'd tend to agree about the Dwarf Mire now that it's no longer a straightforward clone of Sunless Mire. I find I don't make near as much use of it as I once did.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server