Rad/Traps Advice




So, I have a 38 Kin/Rad and a 26ish Traps/Arch blueside, both of which I really liked, when I stopped playing 20 mos ago. I'm still pretty much an amateur with Traps compared to the guys I know who levelled a couple Trappers to 50, and used to love the set but don't talk about it so much since the Proc nerf.

With the PBAoE and Cone in Rad, seems like it might be pretty positional, but does that play well with Traps?

Will I be much happier carrying on with my Kin/Rad and Traps/Arch?

Any specific build advice?

Recent changes (or differences between sets blue v red) that will surprise me?

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



I say Traps.

Allow for full positional Defense cap and it allows you to solo 4/8 settings.

I have a Rad/Kin which is S/L capped and 31% Ranged. Decent toon, but nothing compared to any of my Traps toons.

1. Why Soft Cap is Important : http://dechskaison.blogspot.com/2011...important.html
2. Limits: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Limits
3. Attack Mechanics: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Attack_Mechanics
4. Rule of Five: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Rule_o...e_Law_of_Fives



Enant, Catch me in the RO Channel on Tuesdays or Thursdays 8pm to 12midnight EST and ask me to pull out the Traps/Dark on Virtue. She's not incarnated yet, and I only play Virtue by request these days, so you'll have to poke me to get me over there. I could pull up the Fire/Traps on Freem, but she's not nearly as good as her build is still i14 proc-nuke build. I'll be happy to answer any questions as well, just keep in mind my builds fall toward defensive overkill since I like to play +4x8 Enemies Buffed Players Debuffed.

My Fire/Traps was nerfed into oblivion, she still hasn't completely recovered. But she was based entirely on "The best defense is a good offense". Proc-Nuking everything, the bigger the mob, the harder the nuke. This playstyle is dead and gone forever.

Traps, however, lives on and is a wonderful set. You can still solo select AVs. Some still have success soloing +4x8, although I only solo her +2x8 due to lack of offense on the Traps/Dark. Incarnated I think She'd give +4x8 a run for it's money, but I ahven't incarnted her yet. I do have a new build for Fire/Traps, but it costs an over 2 billion Influence or 35 A-Merits just for PvP Defense IO alone. I have a hard time justifying that Fire/Traps is the best place to spend the equivalent of 3 or 4 billion influence, when a defender version cost almost nothing and performs 80% to 90% as well offensively, and better Defensively.

I play Alleyne in close pbaoe, she's still a beast defensively, making most pug tankers look like crying babies. If I'd ever rebuild her for i20, she would even have incarnate level defenses, but she can already solo small sections of the Lambda Sabotage using Vengeance and Force of Nature, so I'm in no hurry to respec her. She was a defensive beast from as soon as she got both her cones, mid 20s. Offensively I consider her a bit weak, but Incarnate Interface Reactive Partial Radial or Reactive Total Radial will fix that sufficiently.

Traps lives on.
- Put a full lockdown set in PGT, or Frankenslot for Acc/Hold and Proc Hold.
- Balance Proc Hold, Proc Damage, Defensive Bonus, and Recharge Bonus your other powers. You can really increase damage via procs, or potentially proc impressive fields of holds. But you'll want to balance overall your recharge and defense as well.

Alleyne is heavily overbalanced for defense. With Debuffs, Vengeance, Force of Nature, Demonic, Seekers, etc. She can reach +75 defense all with -60 tohit, or more, for a total psuedo-defense of 135 or more. Massive Over-Defense. 65 to 75 Resist all with -50 damage for 85 pseudo-resist, again Over-Resistance. There's plenty of room for shift away from Survival and into offense. Traps/Ice, Traps/AR, Traps/Fire if defenders ever get fire, etc. If you take the corruptor side, you may have more difficulty soft-capping, which may cost you more influence for a PvP Defense IO to compensate. If you have the cash or A-Merits for the PvP IO, then Fire/Traps becomes a possiblity again. I just have a hard time justifying the cost, and tend to fall back toward Traps/Ice or Traps/AR. The main reason I don't do Traps/AR is that a Huntsman is essentially the same thing and packs as much or more offense and doesn't have to drag around the FFG behind them. So that leaves Traps/Ice.

Traps/Sonic would be the choice if you want to worry about endurance less, plan to focus on harder but less numerous targets, or if you plan to almost exclusively team.

Traps/Archery Post Rain of Arrows is pretty nice, and a unique experience. I just hate to recommend to people a set that's somewhat sub-par for 38 levels. On the other hand, it's pretty fun once you get there.

Traps/Rad will have similar offensive capabilities to Traps/Dark, but without the defensive benefit of -to-hit. I'm unsure if the ability to slot many achilles -res will really make up for the difference. Pretty sure I'd rather got Traps/Ice.



Originally Posted by Enantiodromos View Post
Any specific build advice?

Recent changes (or differences between sets blue v red) that will surprise me?

I am sure you know all of this but... Trip mine with a corruptor does a lot more damage than trip mine with a defender. But the corruptor will have a lot harder time getting high defense than a defender would. It is still that much more important to get the high defense though because you want to toe bomb the trip mine.

Sets that have cones and targeted AOEs don't bother me if I am always at range, because it all tends to work out then. If you are often in melee though, it starts to piss me off when I keep having to reposition. You will have to be the judge about whether or not you care about this with rad. With trip mines and poison traps though, you will of course often be right in the thick of it.

Edit: Traps/Arch has the same issue though. I love fistful of arrows, and think it blends wonderfully with rain of arrows in my TA/A. All it needs is a bit of range enhancement and then you can do aim-fistful-rain-fistful (and maybe then an explosive if they are dead enough that you don't mind them being blown off your patch of doom at that point) and be in pure bliss. This is perfect for a TA/A because every single ability is ranged and obviously your whole goal is to be hovering off somewhere where no one can get at you. With Traps/Arch though I would also start to get annoyed.

"Hi, my name is Ail. I make people sick."
A partial selection from my 50's on Freedom: Ail = Ice/Traps, Luck = Street Justice/Super Reflexes Stalker, Mist = Bane, Pixy = Trick Arrow/Archery, Pure = Gravity/Energy, Smoke = Fire/Fire Dominator



Just wanted to say I have a Traps Sonic and a Traps DP and both are soft capped for positional defense.

Traps and if not many sets that come across different Arch Types can be slotted pretty much exactly the same and then use the primary or secondary slotted up properly to shore up the defenses you will be lacking with the cross over. So basically you just bring over the core build and swap out what is needed.

So in this sense both my Sonic and DP are very much the same build Trap power wise which is everything but Trip mine. I then have kick, tough, weave, maneuvers and assault ( I think ). Then its just needed to slot 6 thunderstrike in a range power. Picking up power sink to and a resistance shield to slot in status buff IO ( forgot the name atm ) and stealth IO for super speed.

Can you consider them maybe a bit boring because they are pretty much the same ? I guess so, but I love traps its so cool and I can do anything those billion infl sets cost. Granted not as fast. I can't do a crey farm in 5 minutes, it takes me about 15 to 20 minutes depending the flow but I can do it. So I am getting those tickets and can farm those 4/8 missions for Purple drops. I picked up 14 purple IOs just farming radio/paper missions to pick up tip missions.

When I get home I will post up the data chunk for all my traps toons just so you can see how the sets moves across from Mastermind to Corruptor to Defender. My Traps AR Defender is really one of my favorites I think because Defenders have higher debuff numbers and solo I get a 30% damage bonus. Add in Ion from Incarnate and it is very devastating and safe build.

1. Why Soft Cap is Important : http://dechskaison.blogspot.com/2011...important.html
2. Limits: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Limits
3. Attack Mechanics: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Attack_Mechanics
4. Rule of Five: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Rule_o...e_Law_of_Fives



It's not necroing if it's been less than a month, right?

I have a rad/traps corr that I just got to 50, so if you still need a review, Enantiodromos, I can give you a mixed one. On the one hand, Electron Haze does not make the set synergy awkward - you could easily skp it and still have enough AOE with Irradiate, Neutron Bomb, and Trip Mine. (I took EH but find myself using it only rarely.) On the other, my experience doesn't closely resemble these:

Originally Posted by Linea_Alba View Post
Traps, however, lives on and is a wonderful set. You can still solo select AVs. Some still have success soloing +4x8, although I only solo her +2x8 due to lack of offense on the Traps/Dark. Incarnated I think She'd give +4x8 a run for it's money, but I ahven't incarnted her yet. I do have a new build for Fire/Traps, but it costs an over 2 billion Influence or 35 A-Merits just for PvP Defense IO alone. I have a hard time justifying that Fire/Traps is the best place to spend the equivalent of 3 or 4 billion influence, when a defender version cost almost nothing and performs 80% to 90% as well offensively, and better Defensively.
Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
I say Traps.

Allow for full positional Defense cap and it allows you to solo 4/8 settings.
I'm finding that +0x3 can be a bit dicey, personally. Granted, this character isn't fully IOd out or Incarnated yet, but even with a hold proc in Acid Mortar, a Lockdown proc in Poison Gas Trap, and effective (smashing/lethal) softcapping with FFG nearby, I find that Arachnos and Malta can still be pretty dangerous. Is there an unstated asterisk in the success stories above (no bosses, only specific enemies), or am I just missing something?



These are my current builds I believe. I had my builds on a VM and it got corrupted. I copied out the build from the game but failed to label them correctly so they are mixed up in with a bunch of other builds. But overall they do look like my current builds.

Overall the Defender and the Mastermind are really kick butt. Both are incarnate slotted so the extra level bump really, really helps out.

My play style requires stealth IO in super speed. It allows me to toe bomb or zip in even if noticed by a high perception mob with a small purple inspiration active and drop a poison trap for the hold and then followed by FFG then a trip mine and some sort of aoe attack. That is assuming I am playing a running game.

If I enter an area with many mobs I set up and pull a bunch to me. Once a group is 1/2 dead and running I pull another group and just keep going. Since mobs just come back they get caught up in some sort of AOE. Also when I can, I pull around a corner to force the running mobs to come back around the corner. Otherwise they might just hang back and fire off range attacks. Of course the around the corner technique is nothing new and is just a weakness in the pet AI.

For tougher mobs like Malta and Longbow because of Nullifiers. I am no fool I lower the setting to 2/8 or 3/6. With mobs like Nullifiers I force them to fire off that Disruption AOE attack in a different area from where I am set up. If I screw up I take it on the chin and move my position away from that disruption aoe as it kills defenses. I will usually use an orange inspiration or two when I am force to fight Longbow with a nuillifier in the group.

But over all I really do not use many inspirations. I can tell you my tray usually just sits full against many mobs like Crey, Freakshow and Circle of Thorns.

I think Traps is one set that excels well in cave missions. Every AOE pretty much fills up the area so all the mobs are getting it.

Hope this helps out

DP Traps Corruptor

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
Robot Traps Mastermind

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
Sonic Traps Corruptor

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
Traps Assault Rifle Defender

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

1. Why Soft Cap is Important : http://dechskaison.blogspot.com/2011...important.html
2. Limits: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Limits
3. Attack Mechanics: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Attack_Mechanics
4. Rule of Five: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Rule_o...e_Law_of_Fives