Can we get rid of stacking sound effects, please?
If anything can be done, I am all for it. If I am joining anything involving a league, you better believe my speakers are being turned down. Except I have to turn them back up once it is over because I can't hear anything...
@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.

I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.

So this is why Ball Lightning/Electric Fences has been going over my sound softcap.
Count me in agreement with this.
Oh good god... I can just imagine the "fun" to be had with those Judgement powers which can hit, what? 50 targets?
If anything can be done, I am all for it. If I am joining anything involving a league, you better believe my speakers are being turned down.

Most probably. If your effect is naturally loud or naturally high-pitched, it stacks into a very nasty loud sound effect very fast, and that just doesn't make for very good audio. It's kind of painful to listen to, actually, especially when it exceeds the threshold of your speakers. I know WHY the system works the way it does, but I still feel that we should only ever hear a single effect from the target of the "explosion," which is the enemy target if we're talking Cone or Target AoE, the player if we're talking PBAoE or the reticle pseudopet if we're talking location AoE. Think about it - when you detonate a grenade in a crowd of enemy soldier, you don't get a bang for every soldier, you get one bang for the grenade itself. This is how our powers should sound.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Allow me to paint a picture for you. You log into your Energy Blaster and realise that someone's been messing with the volume on your speakers and the sound is just a little bit too low. So you fire off a few Power Blasts and adjust the volume to where you can hear it, but it's not too loud. Then you hit 10 people with Energy Torrent and your speakers erupt in a cacophony of incredibly loud noise and that concerning static noise you get when the volume is higher than your speakers can actually play. Why? Because you hit 10 people simultaneously, all 10 played the same sound effect, the effects stacked and what you're hearing is the Energy Torrent hit effect, but 10 times louder.
Can we please make the game somehow not play a sound for every single target affected by the same AoE attack? Either that, or can we have an option to turn that off? How about an option to still play sound off all targets hit, but reduce that sound proportionately to how many targets are affected. So if I, say, use Whirling Hands and hit 10 NPCs, then each NPC will play its hit effect at only 1/10 of the normal volume, so that even though the 10 sounds effects will stack, they won't meld into one abnormally loud single effect that threatens to fry my expensive speakers and wake the neighbours at 3 in the morning.
Now, granted, I realise that many, many people play with the sound turned completely off, and it's cases like these when I can't really blame them. But for the sake of game quality, can we PLEASE do something about this kind of horrible sound effect resonance? It's bad for our speakers, it's horribly out of proportion to audio volume in the rest of the game and it frankly just sounds bad all around. I cringe whenever I have to team with an Energy Blaster not because of the knockback or the player skill, but because I KNOW I'll be listening to that hideously loud AoE effect every time said Blaster uses Energy Torrent or Explosive Blast. Every AoE in the game suffers from this, and I really don't see any reason why that has to be, aesthetically speaking, though Standard Code Rant obviously applies.
So please, can we do something about the stacking sound effects from AoE powers?