Ultimate Spider-Man




So I started reading it the other day and so far have read 21 issues (the first 3 arcs) and I have to say it's good, but alot of the scenes and speeches that are "remade" are not as good as the original.

Like the with great power comes great responsibility speech the writer trips and fumbles over it...and the part where Peter realizes he could have stopped the murder of his Uncle Ben is not as well done because while Peter might have felt dejected after leaving the Wrestling thing he wouldn't have let a random thief run away like that in that situation.

Or take the "face it, tiger, you hit the jackpot." is out of place because there is no reason for her to be saying it. It just makes her sound full of herself when she isn't considered the hottest in the school according to popularity and such...where as the original line is coming from the girl that everyone thinks is hot and wants and he's trying to avoid her because she is being recommended to him as being "nice".

So normal MJ comes off confident and knowing herself, while Ultimate MJ comes off as arrogant and narcissistic which is out of character for her...

I like that Kong figures it out, but there's no pay off as he isn't told the truth later on... but i dislike somewhat that all the villains showing up know it's Peter... also the Ultimate Goblin is sorta meh, but whetever.

So I have this feeling that while they wrote the 3 out of 4 ideas were hits while 1 out of 4 were clearly misses that could have been or have been done better.

Is this what the whole Ultimate universe is like?



Not anymore, since everyone died in a flood.



The flood is old news, 2 years ago maybe? Still plenty going on like the death of peter parker on Wed.