Fire/Dark Brute can it farm?
I have seen threads with Fire/* farm builds so it's not the problem. My issue is with the end hog */DA, is it possible to soft cap the Armor or is this secondary not viable at all for trying to farm. Your thoughts please. Also im a level 42 so i have nothing to offer on mids, just need something to look forward to. Might have to delete the entire toon.
Do you enjoy it? That should be enough reason to play it.
Get it to 50 and then get a T3 Cardiac in your alpha slot. This means your end issues would be cut down by a lot and you act as a level 51 character. Fighting level 50s just got a whole lot easier.
"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal
I'd wager just about any toon that you like enough to put some fake money into it can farm. I happen to use a sp/da/blaze scrapper when I want some tickets for salvage or whatever. Runs s/l farms at x8 just fine.
If you care at all about farming speed, that thread is down the hall.
s/l can be soft-capped on dark, along with e/ne if you are willing to sacrifice to get it and have very deep pockets. My dark scrappy still hovers in the 37% range to s/l and does fine. Just carry a few purples for when things get hairy and have tons of recharge for dark regen.
Ageless t3 solves most my end problems, but Cardiac is the smarter choice. When I go Ageless T4 I expect to have 0 end problems ever again. Sitting at capped recovery is a very good thing.
I guess you could say I wish my toon was a fire/elec. Thanks again for commenting.
I have seen threads with Fire/* farm builds so it's not the problem. My issue is with the end hog */DA, is it possible to soft cap the Armor or is this secondary not viable at all for trying to farm. Your thoughts please. Also im a level 42 so i have nothing to offer on mids, just need something to look forward to. Might have to delete the entire toon.