Protector nvasion 6/12, RWZ
I love this.
This is what I try to do everytime I run AE arcs.
Hope I can make it.
█ Players Guide to the Cities
What an awesome idea!
Unfortunately I won't be able to make it this Sunday, but I'll definitely catch you next time. Have fun storming Architect Entertainment!
Story Arcs:
"The Joy of States-mas", #533168
"A Mosaic of Shattered Dreams", #497506 (2011 Players Choice winner!)
"Television Presents: Attack of the Toons!", #373710
"Lightning in a Bottle", #376222
Let me check my schedule. I even have 1 arc published, but it needs work. Thanks for running this. I hope I can make it.
I'm busy until 2-3 PM eastern.
Will this be happening all afternoon long?
█ Players Guide to the Cities
We usually run for about 3 hours. If you show up late, just send a tell to @backfire and I'll see about getting you on a team
Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!
A huge "thank you" to everyone who came to this week's Ænvasion! We had more players show up than I expected and team 2 couldn't have survived without your gracious help. Hopefully our core group will have higher level alts here for our next event! I hope you all had as much fun as we did
Now, onto the recap:
Week 9's Ænvasion of Protector was punkadelic! Nearly 2 full teams of players showed up for a right good AE steampunk romp!
#136218 "Mechaneezer Scrooge" by @Mr Day
1 Mish, Neutral
#336788 "The Steamworks Begin" by @Buster Brass
5 Mish, Heroic
#255713 "Urban Renewal" by @Djinniman
4 Mish, Heroic
This week I wanted to get back to something AE Storyteam does regularly: pick arcs from a topical theme. Seeing as how the Steampunk Booster was recently released, it was an opportunity I couldn't pass up to check out what kind of steampunk arcs I could find in AE. Out of about 20 tested arcs, I found 3 that stood out.Many thanks to the players of Protector for slugging it out with us...esp on that last mish! You get the NEVER SAY DIE award and my undying gratitude for not burning me on the spit!
Mechaneezer Scrooge is a 1 mission action arc that expands the classic Christmas Carol story with a steampunk twist. The customs can be challenging on a full team, but the costumes, bios, and dialog make this an enjoyable quickie. MOST CHRISTMAS-Y
The Steamworks Begin is a very unique arc, in that it serves as a transition for an otherworldly steampunk hero's introduction to Paragon City and it's just a well detailed steampunk story! Spot on dialog, beautiful customs, great map selection, and well-balanced enemies (if not a bit heavy on end drain) made this one BEST OVERALL for the week! Best of all, it's designed for lowbies up to lvl 20, so very accessible to almost all players!
Our final arc, Urban Renewal, is one of those arcs that plays well solo, but not so much on a team. The story is much more of a traditional, canon type arc pitting your character against a unique branch of Nemesis troops.
The customs on this arc take full advantage of the Steampunk Booster and everyone agreed, they were gorgeous and had great bios. The problem is, on a large group they become waaaay overpowered with multiple MM mobs that heal each other and vengeance being tossed all around. Ouch. Aside from the unbalanced customs, there is a fun story, memorable characters and gorgeous enemies that mesh well with canon. Definitely worth a play with 1 or 2 buddies! BEST LOOKING CUSTOMS

Next Sunday (6/19/11): the Ænvasion! continues!! Join us on Freedom Server at the AE Building in Rikti War Zone at our regular time: 9am Pacific/noon Eastern. I'm thinking it may be time to run a Hunt for Hall of Fame week again! Remember, all levels and ATs are welcome, so feel free to make an alt and join the Ænvasion!
Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!
And a big round of applause for Backfire (who lead team 1) and Supafreak (team 2) !

Thanks, guys !
Keep NCSoft from shutting down City of Heroes :
I missed all the cool stuff.
Got home too late, and then had a number of household duties *cough*chores*cough* to attend to.
Feel free to come back anytime guys.
█ Players Guide to the Cities
The AE Storyteam from Triumph is branching out and Ænvading a new server every week! Our Ænvasion target for Sunday, June 12th is Protector!
About us: The AE Storyteam is a group of players, and authors, who meet every weekend to run AE story arcs and search out the best AE has to offer! We've developed our own unique brand of AE teaming where we share all the contact dialog with the team and take our time to read and experience as much of each story as we can. We're always looking for new members who have a passion for playing & creating AE arcs! You can find members most times on the global channel, "MA Arc Finder" Join in the AE fun today!Come join us for a simple, fun, AE team-up, where we will run non-farm AE arcs and share our unique playstyle with you! If you're an AE Enthusiast or just interested in teaming up with fun players and trying out something new, this Ænvasion is for you!
We will meet in the RWZ AE building so it's co-op and all levels & ATs are welcome to join.
I will be choosing some of AE's best stories and leading you on the missions, sharing our unique brand of teaming where we focus more on the story than just combat. We've scheduled the Ænvasion for Sunday, June 12th at 12 noon Eastern/9am Pacific in RWZ.
If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, please post here and let us know. If you have any questions or arc suggestions, I'd love to hear 'em! I look forward to playing with ya and showing off the fun side of AE!
tl;dr version:
Craft your inventions in AE!!
Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!