New alt.
Fire/Cold Corruptor. Useful throughout levelling, and just keeps getting better.
@Fail (Used to be @Tux) and @Tuxedo Infinitus Defiant/Freedom/Champion
Favourite Toons: Prosper [Ill/Rad] Controller :: Infinitus [Fire/Elec] Blaster :: Pocket Dynamo [Fire/Shield] Scr :: Fast [Cold/Sonic] Def ::
Inspire [Plant/Storm] Controller :: Quality - SS/Fire Brute :: Double Down [DP/Kin] Corr :: Pwnz [Fire/Cold] Corr :: Fail [Fire/Son] Corr
If you are used to Blaster's high damage, then I would highly suggest a Huntsman/Bane Soldier build.
I used to make either Bane or Crab specific build but recently I made a Soldier build that uses only Single Shot (0.9s), Burst (1.00s) and Bayonet (1.67s activation) and uses Bane's Build Up and Surveillance for buff/debuff. Man, it is the best "Offensive" character I've made! I consider it the best because I have high survival too! I have most mez protection and I don't need to "click" teammates to provide buffs. They just need to stand within my leadership radius.
Take double Maneuver, double Assault, Venom Grenade, one AH Proc in Single and Burst shots. There you go. You've got a Soldier that can output similar damage as Blaster while providing excellent resistance debuffs and team buffs. It's effective as long as you have endurance for it. (Cardiac is great!)
Take Wide Area Web for crowd control and Hover so you can blast in air when things gone bad. Use Bayonet to finish off a boss for more burst damage. You even have two big spiders to help you at lvl 38.
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
Out of all 7+ yrs, my favorite toon turned out to be a fire/fire scrapper, even though I love defenders to death.
Let's see...
My 50s:
Dr Energy - Empathy/Radiation Blast Defender
Bruticus 9 Stone Melee/Dark Armor Brute - ugh, don't make this.
Agent Jaybo Assault Rifle/Kinetic Corruptor
Brain Blast Psychic Blast/Mental Manipulation Blaster
Jaybonaut Willpower/Super Strength Tanker
Cyber Cowgirl Trick Arrow/Archery Defender
Scorching Cold Ice Blast/Thermal Radiation Corruptor
FlintEastwood Fire Melee/Fire Armor Scrapper
ShredJay Claws/Regeneration Scrapper
MeSoThorny Plant Control/Thorn Assault Dominator
Jay Pain Ice Blast/Pain Domination Corruptor
ChillerFrost Cold Domination/Ice Blast Defender
Agent Jaybonaut Dual Pistols/Fire Manipulation Blaster
Kindle Singe Fire Blast/Fire Manipulation Blaster
Yeah, I am terrible with names. Favorites out of these - FlintEastwood, Cyber Cowgirl. Don't make a stone/dark brute. Without a pocket kin it is a terrible combo, but he was my first 50 villain.
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

never tried a fire/cold corr so may have a look at thtat, as for crab only really got one to leve 20 and delete it only to find out only gets good past level 24! and as for the whole 'define the game' as in that one alt i can keep going back to every time and its still as fun as the first time i played it and not difficult to get back into i have also had a look at a dp/kin corrwhich did look quite cool
I keep on finding new characters that "Make the game".
My SS/Fire Brute is a damage monster who muscles through missions at high speeds.
My Elec/Ice Dominator took his Incarnate powers and became a safe, high-powered character who can layer on control like nobody's business.
My Mind/Fire Dom plays VERY differently. It focuses on ranged attacks while enemies are passed out, attacking one another, or standing there clawing at their own faces.
My Ill/Rad Controller is an AV hunter, a team supporter, and an all-around nasty piece of work. His concept and appearance do a lot to make me love him.
My Fire/Shield Scrapper, like my Ill/Rad, hunts AVs and EBs and has a great concept. How many other characters have a name as great as "Grinferno"?
I love my Fire/Kin Corr even more now that he has the Mind APP. It really doesn't feel fair, what he can do to wreck enemies before they can even react.
My DM/Nin Stalker is a lot of fun. With Touch of Fear and Blinding Powder, I don't much notice a lack in AoE damage. He survives everything, and he can even solo some AVs. Another toon with a fun concept and costume.
Just rolled up an Assault Rifle/Trick Arrow Corr that I have high hopes for. Glue Arrow, Oil Slick Arrow, Ignite, Flamethrower, and Full Auto, plus /TA's debuffs...I'm looking forward to seeing if the animation times and Endurance cost will be too harsh a hurdle to overcome.
But this is just me.
Too many alts to list.
Hey all, im looking to get myself a new alt so far ive got an arch/energy blastie fire/kin controller invuln/energy tank ma/regen scrapper stone/ss tank and a fire/fire brute all at 50 ive played alot of combinations in all my time on CoX but i have yet to find that one alt that defines the game for me.

I love my blastie to bits but i dont get the enjoyment out of him i used to. so im in need of a new alt im want one thats going to be fun to play through high end aswell as low end swell as being able to kick some ***, any recommendations would be helpfull
many thanks, joe.