Comic Book Emote
I'd think there'd be fewer, considering real heroes fight real evil every day in Paragon. I mean, how popular are comics about anti-terrorism activities in the Middle East in real life?
Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.

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Yeah, exactly!
Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.

REALLY obscure piece of backstory, and I don't remember where it's from but:
I heard a while back that comics are just as common in Paragon City as they are in our world. Instead of focusing on superheroes though, since heroes are so common in Paragon, they instead focus on other genres such as mysteries and romance.
"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne
Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.
REALLY obscure piece of backstory, and I don't remember where it's from but:
I heard a while back that comics are just as common in Paragon City as they are in our world. Instead of focusing on superheroes though, since heroes are so common in Paragon, they instead focus on other genres such as mysteries and romance. |
REALLY obscure piece of backstory, and I don't remember where it's from but:
I heard a while back that comics are just as common in Paragon City as they are in our world. Instead of focusing on superheroes though, since heroes are so common in Paragon, they instead focus on other genres such as mysteries and romance. |
Since super powers are reality, super hero or villain stories, or any stories that involved meta-humans would simply be categorized under broader genres such as those Aoleleb mentioned.
For example, we know City of Heroes to be a Super Hero MMO, but if the game was within it's own universe, it would be a modern action-adventure MMO.
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I'd like to see an emote where the character stands, reading a comic book. I mean, you'd think they'd be pretty widespread in a city of heroes!
I'd think there'd be fewer, considering real heroes fight real evil every day in Paragon. I mean, how popular are comics about anti-terrorism activities in the Middle East in real life?
Actually, a bit a fridge brilliance: That's because there IS NO Superhero genre!
And have you seen most of the storefronts and advertisements in Paragon City? There's a lot of plays on superherodom there. For example, "Super power bargains everyday! PriceCo.," "El Super Mexicano," "Up-N-Away Burger," and "Super Lanes" (complete with heroine kicking a strike), just to name a few. Or heck, even Chris Jenkins' billboards asking people if they've been injured in superpower-related conflicts.
Oh, and there's a funny blurb from the Halloween event salvage that reminds me of this topic:
"The most popular Halloween costume among the kids in Paragon City is that of Hamidon. This simple costume is made from coloured plastic wrap. Many kids like to put action figures of their favourite heroes inside the wrap, pretending they are 'raiding' for 'Hami-O's'"
If we're popular enough to have our own action figures, we're probably popular enough to have our own comic books! And I want to read my own comics!
I hope we can get a couple of different emotes (different comic or pulp mag covers).
/em comicbookpulp
/em comicbookhorror
/em comicbookscifi
/em comicbookcrime
/em comicbookspy
/em comicbookwar
I could totally see some Golden Age-style pulp Vanguard vs. Rikti comics!
I'd like to see an emote where the character stands, reading a comic book. I mean, you'd think they'd be pretty widespread in a city of heroes!