Lords of Lag
Definitely pets.
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Agreed. Masterminds and Controllers would probably beat others out tonight. Just cast them, set them to aggressive and go make a sandwich. Or, in tonights case, probably make a cake or build a garden.
Main Character: Ice/Storm/Ice Controller (Justice, 1340 badges)
Yeah my claws scrapper was a sad puppy on Freedom. I still enjoyed the events, it was cool seeing the crowds out, but it wasn't really playing City of Heroes at all. I should have rolled up a mastermind for night. Still, got my badge and got to be a tourist.
With tonight's Freedom slide show imminent I was wondering who the classes are that do well in the oceans of lag events. Clearly it can't be melee types, when you slow down to an attack a minute the time you spend moving from target to target is pretty painful. I also suspect single target characters are not doing well. That one attack may hit like a train, but if it is once every week what can you do. So that leaves us with ranged aoe, and the one I suspect is king, pet classes. Ranged AOE is fine if you have a mob of targets out there, but pets are run on the server itself so I suspect they are getting in more normal attacks as they don't need to push buttons. As I was watching the AVs fall last night I knew someone must be hitting them and I was only getting a shot in every minute or so, who was it? Who is the lord of lag?
Note: I had fun on Pinnacle last night and am headed into Freedom tonight, this isn't a whine. I am just curious who is the least impacted by the lag soup type events.