Virtueverse Templates?




((Hey all,
Out of curiousity, is there somewhere to find templates, or page setups for one who is not quite so savvy with code?

I feel my new toon who I plan to make my 1 and only from this point forward needs an exciting layout.

Any suggestions?




If you go into the "tips" or "getting started" section ov VV, it'll show you the code to copy/paste. Then all you do is fill in the appropriate lines next to the "=" and voila!

If you want something smexier, what I do is poke around for awesome-tastic pages & stealsz ... at least the ones with pictures, that way I don't have to figure out what to plug in to make a picture do what I want and be the size I want.

Page designs with pretty colors are a tad more difficult but Google is your friend. I think if you type HTML color code, a grid should pop up so far as giving you what means what.