Strange buff idea for Nova form

Dechs Kaison



So last night I completely respec my Human-only PB to mostly Dual Forms in Nova and Dwarf. I am not satisfied with human form (yet) because I don't like all the massive knockbacks and I figure if I am playing Kheldian, I might as well enjoy the forms.

Anyway, I tested out my dual form last night and I have to say I am pretty happy with Dwarf form (even though I still think Black Dwarf is a lot better!!). Dwarf form can jump at least. lol Dwarf survives well enough and while damage is lacking, Solar Flare recharges a bit quicker than human form and it does knockdowns which actually brings quite a bit soft-controls to the team. So I basically see my White Dwarf as Tank-troller with very limited abilities and to fight against Void/Quantum.

Now, I have a problem with Bright Nova. I think its use is very limited and it's dps is lacking later on. AoE damage is decent but ST damage is very weak IMO. And human form with enough set bonuses can easily out damage Nova form. So what is the point of Nova? Human form also gets Combat Hover and Fly so it's not like Nova form is the only aerial combat stance. Nova has better endurance efficiency but it has more to do with the fact that Nova just only has 4 attacks and nothing else.

I have one strange buff idea. Comparing to their counter-part SoA, Kheldian doesn't bring any good team buff to the team. It's more like the team buffs them. Nova form, as I see it, is for DPS purpose. You lose shields and defense for more damage. Giving Nova form Build Up is a good start but what about giving Nova form a buff Aura that only buffs certain type of Damage?

Bright Nova brings Light to the environment. Its presence buffs Energy damage around it, while Dark Nova buffs Negative Damage for teammates. The radius can be as large as 30'. Basically, when you are in Bright Nova form, you have an aura around you that buffs teammate's Energy damage by 25%.

Now, there are more Energy-based attacks than Negative-energy, which is fine because I truly believe Peacebringer is weaker so it makes sense that PB brings damage to a more commonly-used Type. Dark Nova brings negative-damage buff so it can help sets like Dark Blast and Dark Melee more. This means Bright Nova brings Cosmic Balance to the team so sets like Energy Melee, Energy Blast, Radiation Blast and Electricity Blast can get a nice damage-type buff with a Bright Squid on the team. It sort of gives people a reason to invite PB/WS.

What do you think? They can make a new toggle for team buff or make it a Clicky. It's not like Nova uses a lot of endurance anyway. I rather not make it a toggle because changing forms means you need to re-toggle. ugh Making a clicky is fine so your Nova form feels like it has more things to do than using just 4 powers.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



I don't hate it. Were such a change to be made, it would likely be implemented as an auto power that nova form itself grants, similar to the self damage buff that nova already grants. I'm not sure if it's possible to directly buff certain damage types, however, and so can't say one way or another if it's a realistic request.

As an AOE buff though, pets would also be affected, and so Dark Novas would absolutely LOVE the extra damage their extracted essences would do. Peacebringers? Not so much benefit for them.

But I love hearing creative ideas like this.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
I don't hate it. Were such a change to be made, it would likely be implemented as an auto power that nova form itself grants, similar to the self damage buff that nova already grants. I'm not sure if it's possible to directly buff certain damage types, however, and so can't say one way or another if it's a realistic request.

As an AOE buff though, pets would also be affected, and so Dark Novas would absolutely LOVE the extra damage their extracted essences would do. Peacebringers? Not so much benefit for them.

But I love hearing creative ideas like this.
You are right that Dark Nova will love even more. Well, can they distinguish buffs for Teammates only and not for other"pets"? I know Stalker's team critical buff only counts "teammates". There is lack of study on whether or not MM's pets are counted but let's just assume they don't. hehe I once tested MM's pets with Stalker but I only tested it with 50 critters killed which isn't large enough pools.

Well, I just want to add more dps to Nova form because Bright Nova really doesn't stand out enough. WS human can buff himself to out damage Dark Nova and so is PB human.

I did think it may be hard to just buff Energy or Negative Energy. The only other way is to debuff Damage Type which I know it exists because Venom Grenade can debuff Toxic Type more, which means the game has mechanism to debuff certain type. Technically they can add Energy debuffs in each of Nova attack. They don't stack but just refresh the duration. 12.5% energy-type resistance debuff. But other Nova debuffs can stack. :P

I guess they can add Energy-resistance debuffs in Nova form so other energy-type enjoys more. The dev don't have to give this to WS if they don't want to since WS is very self-efficient already.

I like this idea because it sort of matches Bright Nova's design. A big Bright Squid brings Light to the team.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Oh hell, I have something even simpler!

The presence of Bright Nova brings more Light to the surrounding. Teammates that are within the light receives a small bonus to Tohit buff, Damage Buff and provides resistance to Placate effect (reducing Smoke Grenade duration, for example).

5% Tohit Buff
10% Damage Buff to all type

Sources from different Novas DO stack as they bring even more Light to the team.

I don't think 10% damage buff is going to break the game considering you can't really use other powers effectively in Nova form.

Presence of Dark Nova brings small Tohit Debuff Resistance while adding small buff to Defense Debuff Resistance to the team.

5% Tohit Debuff Resistance
10% Defense Debuff Resistance

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



I really like this line of thought, although I don't quite agree with the exact bonuses you've suggested.

In my opinion, both forms should get some sort of auto power team buff. If balance is an issue, then like Grant Cover, the buff can only be to teammates.

I think the buffs should be different depending on form and kheldian species. My idea ties in closely with the inherent.

For example: Bright Nova is an offensive creature and grants this offense to its team in the form of added recovery and a damage bonus. 10% and 20% respectively.

White Dwarf excels at protecting its team. Not only is the dwarf itself very resilient, but its aura protects the team, granting regeneration and resistance bonuses. 25% and 12.5% respectively.

For a warshade, these bonuses are reversed in position. Dark Nova grants the protection to its teammates while Black Dwarf increases their offensive capabilities.

The way this works, I think PBs get the better end of the bargain, especially if the bonus will apply to the PB himself. That's ok, because I think they need the buff more anyway.

Where to now?
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The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
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Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
I really like this line of thought, although I don't quite agree with the exact bonuses you've suggested.

In my opinion, both forms should get some sort of auto power team buff. If balance is an issue, then like Grant Cover, the buff can only be to teammates.

I think the buffs should be different depending on form and kheldian species. My idea ties in closely with the inherent.

For example: Bright Nova is an offensive creature and grants this offense to its team in the form of added recovery and a damage bonus. 10% and 20% respectively.

White Dwarf excels at protecting its team. Not only is the dwarf itself very resilient, but its aura protects the team, granting regeneration and resistance bonuses. 25% and 12.5% respectively.

For a warshade, these bonuses are reversed in position. Dark Nova grants the protection to its teammates while Black Dwarf increases their offensive capabilities.

The way this works, I think PBs get the better end of the bargain, especially if the bonus will apply to the PB himself. That's ok, because I think they need the buff more anyway.
Yeah I thought about giving auto aura buff to Dwarf forms too but I have more problem with Nova form, well, PB Nova to be exact.

I can't decide on the specific buff % but I want the buff to be "interesting" and "unique". I prefer buffing Energy-based attacks with some minor Tohit Buff but if the game mechanism doesn't allow that (or it's too complicated), I rather have Bright Nova buff the team offensively with Tohit and Damage (or +recovery like what you suggested). I feel Brightness allows the team to see better so the team has better tohit, damage potential and resistance to placate (blindness).

I like how the Dwarf brings defensive aura to the team.

I just think the forms are just too limited. They can provide some "interesting" buffs that others don't have.

Edited: I've been thinking... it may be better for Dwarf form to provide +recovery because if you already have a tank tanking, you want your teammates to unleash offense nonstop so the +recovery makes more sense. White Dwarf provides Energy fuel to surrounding teammates while giving them resistance to Endurance Drain effect.

I don't know what % should be good but something like 10% Recovery + 15% Resistance to Endurance Drain. The Dwarf form already has +recovery buff so naturally it can provide aura to others.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



If it were upto me, then adding to Cosmic Balance:

Dwarf form would get 3% melee def for every blaster, dominator, stalker in team.

Nova form would get 3% ranged def for every blaster, dominator, stalker in team.

Human form would get 3% aoe def for every blaster, dominator, stalker in team.

I thought it practical but you would still have non khelds in team appreciating the fact that they're receiving buffs more than giving them and so maybe, like VEATs more.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



So I played more of my lvl 33 Dual-Form PB last night. I tried to use more human powers during or before battle so I feel like they are not being wasted, and I tried to change form from Dwarf to Nova to try to be "versatile".

Man, Peacebringer has some SERIOUS design flaws.

1. Not only when you change from Nova/Dwarf to Human you lose all the human toggles, you also suffer from what seems like 3-4s "delay" from each "change". This is HIGHLY annoying because it makes me not want to change from Dwarf to Nova to take advantage of the 'blaster' form to finish off runners. If it takes that long, I might as well chase the target.

2. Photon Seekers SUCKs! This is actually THE power that made me want to level a PB to 32. It sounds pretty good on paper and I was really curious how it works. Well, I really don't understand all the restrictions they set on this power. This is probably the most unique power in Peacebringer. First, it has very long recharge at 300s. Second, you can't cast it with a "white circle", so you can't really cast them to take alpha strike for the team like the Seekers in /Trap. Third, if you cast them and then you run into battle, they seem to hit the target(s) that are closest to them which can be very wasteful because they could be only hitting minions. T_T

So I tried to do this. I run in as Dwarf, kill all the minions/lieuts and once there's only one boss left, I get rid of Dwarf form and quickly use Seekers and then change back to Dwarf again. Well, let's just say I almost killed myself doing that because there is casting delay (about 5-6s by the time I get back to Dwarf) and human form is physically weak without any shields (since all the shield toggles are off when you change forms).

All in all, the design is just very awkward. All the delays and restrictions just make me not want to change forms and that defeats the purpose of the Form Design isn't it?

This is the first time that I actually care about Kheldians. I've been ignoring them for years because SoA's design is just so much better. I just can't understand all the restrictions they put on Forms. Why can't Nova/Dwarf use regular Power Tools like Hasten and Leadership? What's the big deal? Every AT can use Hasten. I seriously doubt that my Nova form is overpowered with Hasten considering it only has 4 limited attacks and changing form back and forth is so annoying especially during battle. I basically can only use Hasten before the fight to enjoy the benefit and I have to suffer from delays to change to human and then change back to Form again. Is it really that necessary to restrict the forms like that? All my other toons set Hasten on auto.

Let Nova and Dwarf use Seekers. It already has very long recharge. I can't imagine them being overpowered considering we have WS capping defense/resistance and summoning pets that deal way more damage than the seekers.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
1. Not only when you change from Nova/Dwarf to Human you lose all the human toggles, you also suffer from what seems like 3-4s "delay" from each "change". This is HIGHLY annoying because it makes me not want to change from Dwarf to Nova to take advantage of the 'blaster' form to finish off runners. If it takes that long, I might as well chase the target.
I hate the animation time too. But don't switch from dwarf to nova to finish off runners. drop to human and use gleaming blast or stay in form and use taunt to bring them back. Or focus on someone else. They'll be back.

2. Photon Seekers SUCKs! This is actually THE power that made me want to level a PB to 32. It sounds pretty good on paper and I was really curious how it works. Well, I really don't understand all the restrictions they set on this power. This is probably the most unique power in Peacebringer. First, it has very long recharge at 300s. Second, you can't cast it with a "white circle", so you can't really cast them to take alpha strike for the team like the Seekers in /Trap. Third, if you cast them and then you run into battle, they seem to hit the target(s) that are closest to them which can be very wasteful because they could be only hitting minions. T_T
Here's how I usually use Photon Seekers, if it helps:

In Dwarf, I'll footstomp and gobble a break free and a purple or two. Then I drop to human form while they're getting back up and hit build-up and photon seekers. WHILE PHOTON SEEKERS IS ANIMATING I'll cue up dawn strike. Seekers do their damage and send foes flying, and Dawn Strike hits them while they're still in the air and finishes them off. Take a blue inspiration, pop conserve power and you're off and running to the next spawn.

But yes. Photon Seekers SUCKS! and should be fixed.

So I tried to do this. I run in as Dwarf, kill all the minions/lieuts and once there's only one boss left, I get rid of Dwarf form and quickly use Seekers and then change back to Dwarf again. Well, let's just say I almost killed myself doing that because there is casting delay (about 5-6s by the time I get back to Dwarf) and human form is physically weak without any shields (since all the shield toggles are off when you change forms).
I responded in another thread to you what I'd advise: fire off your aoes in nova to soften the spawn first, then drop to human or dwarf to heal. If Photon Seekers are needed, do as I described above.

Hope that helps!

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



While I was unlocking the new SF in Sharks, one of the bosses in the "kidnap" mission in University is an Ice Demon and he would summon several Ice Swords that are unkillable.

It is such a cool power! The swords can't be killed even though you can aoe damage them (I see the damage numbers)

Wouldn't it be great if Seekers is similar to that? You summon them around you and they would go out and fight for you for a period of time?

I actually thought they should have given Peacebringer Police Drones instead. You see them with PB police all the time. Just summon 3 of those drones and they'll blast for a duration and then left/explode. 300s recharge may be worth it.

1. The knockback is a huge turn off. Because one of the seekers may knockback first before the other two explode, so the total damage output is reduced. Yes, there are some "tricks" to get them work better but why should we rely on tricks? The mechanism of Seekers just seem bad to me.

2. It'll be ok if I can drop them the way I can drop Seekers in Traps. They'll soften up the group before I go in but no, you can only summon them around you.

3. Rather than 3 seekers knocking back, why don't they design each seeker differently? One does KNOCK DOWN, one debuffs damage and one debuffs resistance? This can give Peacebringer a very unique lvl 32 power. And mind you, the power has 300s recharge which is close to a true nuke.

4. Or simply allow Nova and Dwarf to able to use Seekers. It's not going to break the game, trust me on that!

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



I would suggest two different fixes for the Kheldian archetype. These are not so much "buffs" as they are simply restructuring the AT itself, and letting the slotting mechanics work as intended.

1) Make Kheldians more similar to Soldiers of Arachnos. When you create a kheldian, have them go from level 1 to level 24 in "human form," like you would a VEAT. Then, at level 24, you have the option to branch off, and continue a "human only" build, a "nova" build, or a "lobster" build. The branching would make the Nova and Lobster forms mutually exclusive; however, to compensate for this, damage/mez mitigation would be reworked. Instead of being limited to only a couple powers while in these forms, while having the Nova form active, it would be a cosmetic, as well as "toggleable buildup" of sorts (think of a buffed up Assault), while also buffing team-mates within a certain proximity to it. Thus, while in this form, all previously "human" powers would be used instead of "Nova" attacks, but would have Nova scales of damage applied. Additionally, later on in this branch, more ranged AoE or ST attacks would be attainable (think fortunata). This branch would possibly work similarly to a blaster's inherent, except that additionally, for every enemy defeated, stackable mez protection is added for a specified period of time. This branch would be light on control, but heavy on damage.

On the other side of the coin, in lobster form would be a toggleable armor, like (i think) Granite (think teir 9 Stone Tanker). Similarly to Nova, the character would have all attack powers availible to use while this is active, and while active, increases the damage resistance of allies by a certain amount (think of Maneuvers, except resistance based). Later in the branch, more melee attacks would become availible including several PBAoEs. This form, while active, would also gain aggro similar to that of a Tanker or possibly, buff damage like a Brute. This branch would be heavy on Melee and AoE's that would quickly gather aggro, and would naturally provide mez protection as a part of the form.

The human PEACEBRINGER form would be focused primarily upon providing control to its teammates. While damage would not be spectacular, nor would its damage mitigation, this form would be the only one by which an Epic or Patron powerset could be taken. Also, more potent forms of the Ancillary Leadership pool, and would come with a +regen +recovery AoE power. Additionally, the closer proximity to a Peacebringer a character was, the more potent their mez resistance would become. Think of this Branch as a "radiation controller without the debuffs" type of character.

The human WARSHADE form would also be concerned with providing control to its teammates, but whearas Peacebringers brought buffs or other "additive" effects, Warshades would bring Debuffs or "subtractive" buffs to a team, and would also have the ability to take Epic or Patron pools. Beefed up, slightly differing Leadership powers would also be availible, and an arua that defended against mez would become more potent the closer one was the the Warshade. Think of the Warshade as a "dark defender with darkish controls."


2) Simply make both forms unslottable, like Ninja Run. Additionally, buff them up because of the loss of their slots. Making all their powers come out of the box with 6 slots could also be a good workaround.

I like Option 1 more. A LOT more.



Jibikao, as the Photon Seekers work for Peacebringers now, think of them more as a nuke and you'll probably be better off: they're nothing like Seekers from Traps, and trying to think of them in the same way is probably the big thing throwing you off. I like to use them to add to the chaos when I go in (either by setting them up to the side or above a mob), or wait until a mob clumps together more and letting them loose. So in the last sense, they're like a nuke, and that works pretty well.

I do agree that the recharge on them is far too high for what they do. I'd love to see that lowered at the very least.

Originally Posted by _Ethereal_ View Post
1) Make Kheldians more similar to Soldiers of Arachnos. When you create a kheldian, have them go from level 1 to level 24 in "human form," like you would a VEAT.
Just going to stop you right there and say this: do not make my Kheldians like Soldiers of Arachnos. They're different ATs and should be kept that way. The devs are going to want that as well... since they have the ATs set up to be different. On top of that, pretty much all or your suggestions would take a lot more work than the few things Kheldians would possibly need to be set and working well. That's a much better design idea, as it takes less work and doesn't upset people that like how Kheldians work overall currently.

Soldiers of Arachnos are their own AT already, no need to try an replicate them.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Light Form: I would -so- love this power if it was given the Moment of Glory treatment. Much more flexible.

Originally Posted by _Ethereal_ View Post
I would suggest two different fixes for the Kheldian archetype. These are not so much "buffs" as they are simply restructuring the AT itself, and letting the slotting mechanics work as intended.

1) The VEAT method


2) Simply make both forms unslottable, like Ninja Run. Additionally, buff them up because of the loss of their slots. Making all their powers come out of the box with 6 slots could also be a good workaround.

I like Option 1 more. A LOT more.
I like option 2 a lot more. Option 1 is interesting though.

But instead of having simply unslotted powers, just use the powers we already have in human form, since they're pretty much duplicates anyway. So, Dwarf form means you're denied access to blast powers, but can still use melee. Nova can't melee, but can still use the blasts.

In effect, this means you -can- specialise in one form over the other (just take all the PB's blast powers and not the melee powers to favour Nova).

OMG! How like, totally kewl are these characters?!1



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post

Just going to stop you right there and say this: do not make my Kheldians like Soldiers of Arachnos. They're different ATs and should be kept that way. The devs are going to want that as well... since they have the ATs set up to be different. On top of that, pretty much all or your suggestions would take a lot more work than the few things Kheldians would possibly need to be set and working well. That's a much better design idea, as it takes less work and doesn't upset people that like how Kheldians work overall currently.
You are absolutely right..... A LOT of "Option 1" would pretty much require the entire powerset to be scrapped. I have two triform Khelds, both a Peacebringer and a Warshade, and The only way I enjoy playing them is with Triform builds. Unfortunately, triform builds are forced to be so lean that even WITH set bonuses, it barely holds together. Once I got both Kheldians to level 50 and respecced them to something I found enjoyable, I have never touched them, other than getting them up to t3 alphas.

I Guess that I am still over-enamored with VEATs. I even think that the Crab/Huntsman/Bane should be given a few extra attack powers so as to avoid redraw (I absolutely can't stand redraw) when getting a good attack chain. I am originally a blaster at heart, that being the first character I ever got to 50, and thus, I approach many situations from a "DPS first" perspective. Additionally, once built well, a Fortunata/Widow is just as tough as some of the best scrappers, while providing more team buffs, and a crab/bane can be pretty nasty to; when I play as a kheldian, I simply feel like i'm underperforming. I'm not as good of a tank..... as a real tank. I'm not as good of a blaster..... as a real blaster. I'm not as good of a controller..... as a real controller. However, when I am my Widow, LOOK OUT. I'll rip baddies apart just as effectively as a scrapper. When I'm a fortunata, I'm doing PSY damage, which is insane against 90% of all enemies; while my blaster can do more raw damage most of the time, my Fortunata blows her out of the water regarding survivability and DoT against bosses, EBs, and AVs.

I mean, COME ON! Kheldians an ALIENS for crying out loud. I should be doing some type of exotic damage unresistable to humans–or even meta-humans for that matter (Novas live on gas giants in conditions that would kill Statesman, and dwarves on the surface of neutron stars, which could rip apart the gas giant that just killed Statesman). I think it is pretty reasonable to ask for something crazy like this. Maybe kheldians doing untyped damage would be a nice way to implement this idea.

I just don't think that Kheldians' strength should come at the cost of..... well, their strength. Being a jack of all trades is nice, but I get pigeonholed anyways because of the Voids and Chrystals that I spawn...... while VEATs don't have a single thing they have to deal with.




Originally Posted by oreso View Post
Light Form: I would -so- love this power if it was given the Moment of Glory treatment. Much more flexible.
I'd prefer it if Light Form was more like Strength of Will, actually. Though most Invulnerability user's are going to say the same thing about their Tier 9... the crash is just a bear to deal with, and not all that useful. A Tier 9 with a fixed recharge that doesn't drop you to almost nothing when it crashes is quite preferable.

Moment of Glory is useful on Regeneration, but I don't see it as helping Peacebringers as much... though I guess it would help some people that don't like being locked into Light Form for so long, I'm not sure an occasional alpha soaker is what Peacebringers need... a long based boost to resists would help me more.

Originally Posted by _Ethereal_ View Post
I mean, COME ON! Kheldians an ALIENS for crying out loud. I should be doing some type of exotic damage unresistable to humans–or even meta-humans for that matter (Novas live on gas giants in conditions that would kill Statesman, and dwarves on the surface of neutron stars, which could rip apart the gas giant that just killed Statesman). I think it is pretty reasonable to ask for something crazy like this. Maybe kheldians doing untyped damage would be a nice way to implement this idea.
All those reasons are just why Kheldians can do energy damage... anyone could probably come up with reasons why their totally awesome hero or villain should beat up everyone else. However, that stuff gets thrown out the window whenever you are trying to balance a game or story. All Kheldians need is to be balanced well with other ATs, not to be super uber, I can defeat anything aliens.

I just don't think that Kheldians' strength should come at the cost of..... well, their strength. Being a jack of all trades is nice, but I get pigeonholed anyways because of the Voids and Chrystals that I spawn...... while VEATs don't have a single thing they have to deal with.
What with all the posting in the Kheld forums, I think we've gotten fairly close to what Kheldians need to be improved, or at least have some good ideas to work from. Those ideas aren't a huge overhaul of Kheldians, but minor adjustments.

Voids and crystals aren't part of the problem, though. Their special and annoying damage isn't a problem anymore, and they're mostly there for flavor now. I do wish they wouldn't spawn everywhere for us Khelds, but cysts shouldn't throw anyone off anymore, even when they do the rare extremely annoying thing, like spawning with the four patrons on the Statesman TF.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Voids and the like are still a huge pain in the butt before level 50.



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
All those reasons are just why Kheldians can do energy damage... anyone could probably come up with reasons why their totally awesome hero or villain should beat up everyone else. However, that stuff gets thrown out the window whenever you are trying to balance a game or story. All Kheldians need is to be balanced well with other ATs, not to be super uber, I can defeat anything aliens.
You got me. But sometimes complaining feels so right

Anyways, I was looking at some other forum posts, and decided to take some of my own advice; I respecced my PB (the WS will come tomorrow), and went with the idea of specializing (as much as is possible) in team buffs or control for human form. Granted, leadership doesn't provide too awesome of team buffs, but my shield powers were wasting away from non-use. Anyways, the idea is that I would likely not be in human-form much unless I was on a team, and so, I wouldn't need much of the damage mitigation (besides, I would probably be mezzed anyways).

I made sure to make the PB's attack chains well enough, and even fit a reasonable AoE cycle in there. Although it may seem redundant (considering Nova's attacks), I don't plan on shapeshifting too much when on teams not needing an alien orbital battery or meatshield, and the human attacks DO have some pretty good -def debuffs. Support damage is also good to have.

The root of my problem was that I didn't have a clearly defined goal when building the human form.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Voids and the like are still a huge pain in the butt before level 50.
Really, why? They're a little more rough if they get the drop on you, but I was handling them just fine at low levels back before when they still did special damage to us, etc. Hit them hard and fast, knock them down, mez them, etc., and use insps if you really need to.

I wouldn't recommend ignoring them, but I put them in the same camp as Malta Sappers or any mezzing enemies: contain them first and then go to town.

Ethereal, not having a clear goal in mind is a problem for any AT, I've found. It's easy to fritter away slot and power choices if you're not careful. Kheldian builds are just tighter than most, so they're less forgiving of build issues. Glad you were able to find a setup that you are more comfortable with.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory