My new favorite mission

Obscure Blade



I don't know how I've missed this one all along, but I just played an awesome mission, the one given by Luke Larson to stop a bomb plot in Underground Praetoria.

I was going along, disarming 30 bombs, ho hum. Then I run across this shiny object labeled "Lots of High Explosives." I clicked on it, and the first thing I noticed as that I had a choice based on my origin (Technology), which was new. Okay, that's cool, but I decided to see what the other option did. I won't give it away, but next thing I knew, I was scrambling to finish up the mission in time to presumably avoid getting killed, while fending off attacking Praetorian Clockwork.

I actually felt a palpable sense of excitment--"[censored], stop attacking me, I've got to start over!"--as well as an honest moment of truth; let the things go or try to do the "right" thing and face an honest risk getting defeated? Plus, it was nice to have something quite different from all the other missions.

Whoever designed it, great job! To everyone else, give us more variance in missions like this!

Edit: One small quibble: Once I made the non-tech choice, I didn't get the choice to make it later. I had no idea that the "Examine wires" option meant I couldn't do the other thing later. It might be worth adding that option to all of the dialogs, not just the first one.

Another Edit: Plus watching Tunnel Rat beat the @*#! out of some PPD in the following mission was... Oddly cute.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



I love Praetorian missions to death and we need more like those...

But I loathe being stuck in Praetoria cut off from the populace.

I've not yet run through all the Loyalist stuff and not sure when I ever will.