Inventory Full

Adeon Hawkwood



Has anyone had this problem?

When I try and claim an item from my email or send an email it saids my inventory is full and it saids "There are outstanding pending global email transactions. Please wait a minute and try again." This is happening on more than one of my toons on my global

Frostyblue Level 50 Ice/Ice/Ice Blaster

other toons
Sara Stoneheart - level 50 Stone/Stone/Eng Tank
Frostybubbles - level 50 Sonic/Rad Defender
FrostyRad - level 50 Grav/Rad Controller



My inventory gets full every couple of days.

Do this:

Clear your recipes, salvage or WW/BM queue.

About email, if adding you must wait 15 seconds between adding emails. As long as recipes/salvage is clear you can claim with no time limits.



Originally Posted by Frostyblue View Post
When I try and claim an item from my email or send an email it saids my inventory is full and it saids "There are outstanding pending global email transactions. Please wait a minute and try again." This is happening on more than one of my toons on my global
I had a similar issue on one of my characters when a email transaction did not complete properly (claiming inf when at the inf cap). The excess inf was held in limbo until I reduced his on hand inf low enough for it to pop into his inventory.

You might try doing that, an easy way to reduce inf is to place a very bid on the Gladiators Armor +3% def IO, there no risk of it filling and it take s it out of inventory.



Did you resolve this? I experienced this today and here was my solution(next post)?



Solution. This is my character Lady Attitude 2.0. I was doing maintenance on her today and I got this.

I was in a rush, and so deleted an enhancement. Notice the circled one, it popped into the tray from nowhere.

I think in my previous session last month, I claimed so many so fast that the queue filled up before the system could alert me and I logged off. So the enhancement sat there until I deleted/cleared space for it. Oddly, I couldn't add/send emails on this account only.



Weird, I have never seen that happen!



Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
Solution. This is my character Lady Attitude 2.0. I was doing maintenance on her today and I got this.

I was in a rush, and so deleted an enhancement. Notice the circled one, it popped into the tray from nowhere.

I think in my previous session last month, I claimed so many so fast that the queue filled up before the system could alert me and I logged off. So the enhancement sat there until I deleted it. Oddly, I couldn't add/send emails on this account only.
or maybe this is a queued crafted recipe that I clicked several times. Sometimes, I get 3-4 of the same recipe during my gaming sessions).