Praetorian Invasion




Thanks everyone for the nice night!

Thanks Zwill and Beastly!

And Guardian, dont forget... we have a mission day 27!

Search for me, Casa, Noire or any of the other Loonies for an invitation to our Freedoooooom SG.

** Guardian�s Crazy Catgirl **
************* 22 XxX 10 *************

Yes. I can get lost on a straight-line map.



The event went really well for me. At first, I was concerned about the lag while in Atlas and then got frustrated when I couldn't get into PI with the rest of my league (suffered a few disconnects). It looked like it was going to be like any other event of this time- a slideshow with some memorable chat moments but not a lot of real action being done by the individual player.


When things were announced to start happening in Steel, I immediately hopped over, figuring it had to be better than Atlas lag and once I had gotten settled in, it was really nice. Lag was minimal, if any at all. I could move, I could fire off attacks without delays or false recharge times. I was able to actually play there amidst a good couple dozen other players all doing whatever they pleased. We had a good time thanks to Beastyle (kudos!) who was great at playing along with us and though our only real major Praetor cameo was Marauder, it was entertainingly done and a nice fight all in all.

I don't know what exactly made doing this in Steel so much more effective than Atlas, but it was very enjoyable and I'm glad I stuck it out. Thanks to all of the RedNames who took control during the event and made it happen. It was a good time- I'll be sure to visit my alts on other servers for the rest of this month (including the final go on Freedom).

Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell



Oh- also, very much appreciated the shard drops that were happening during everything. Was hoping for them, but not certain it would happen. Thanks for having those!

Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell



I had much fun during the invasion and thanks to all the people from Paragon Studios who made it possible. Special thanks to Freitag, who was whistling in St. Martial where I spent most of my playtime.

I got to peek into Pocket D near the end, just a few minutes before Zwill and Beastyle left.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Unfortunately I did not enjoy the invasion as much. From the very start it was a complete slideshow. The concept, and the bantering from MM and others was different and fun, but the actual play - not so much. Finally our little group left and did lowbie stuff. Glad to hear those that stuck around had a good time.

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ~Dr. Seuss.
"Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. "



I was in Steel for a while, trying to take down the Gnaw-proof lvl 20 War Walkers. Had to leave to attend my sister's MPA graduation. Didn't get a spiffy gold title.

I play all my toons like a blaster: I die a lot.

global handle: @Pepsiman
Wii Code: 5292 9629 8964 1440
XBL: IndyBanzai