Looking for character name, Myrr.




I've had that global name, since the 2nd global purge. And at one time, had a character named Myrr on Guardian, but, I deleted her, and had planned to remake her. A person with the global @Undone, took over that character name, before I could make a new toon. Wasn't until today, that I realized that I could find the person's global by /friend'ing Myrr, and using the Add Note function. I have no idea if that person is even playing anymore. If they are, and someone knows them, could you pass along to that person, that I'd be interested in, reacquiring the character name, Myrr.



While I can't help you with Myrr, I can offer an easier solution than using Player Notes.

/getglobalname <Character Name>

Type it into chat like this:

/getglobalname King of AFK

"King of AFK has the global name Shadow Ravewolf" will show up in your system chat (green letters)

If you can target the character while they are in game, you can use the following macro button.

[/macro GGN "getglobalname $target"]*

Makes a gray button named GGN in your first available power tray slot. Target a character and click the GGN button to see their global show up in your system chat.

* copy/paste what's inside the [] into your chat box and press enter to make the GGN button.

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf