Tri-Form Peace Bringer




Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
One question. What's the benefit of Tri-form? I see you either go with Human/Dwarf or Nova/Dwarf.

The OP picked and slotted most of the human attack powers already. Nova form has its use when you are lower level but once you have set bonuses to offset endurance cost, isn't Human form a superior version of Nova? You also get access to Combat Hover and you are way more flexible and have way better resistance? Am I missing something here? It is cool to have a flying Squid sometimes.

With just 3-slotted Stamina, both Nova and Dwarf don't seem to have any endurance problem at all. Only Human form needs more +endurance.
I play my PB like most players would use a tri-form Warshade. I've found that it's TRUCKLOADS more fun to treat the forms as an extension to your attack chain. So instead of sitting in nova waiting for your powers to recharge, go human, kick some tail then jump into dwarf for a heal, or a stomp. Then back into nova for tons of AoE dmg.

Recently with a double stomp + plusar bind I've been using that as an intro to mobs, then jumping up with nova, using AoE's from above. then single shotting any survivors. Also, i like the double stomp bind I have now, because if im in dwarf, i tap it once, use dwarf stomp, leave form, then pulsar (on auto), then with another tap it uses human stomp, and de-auto's flare.

I also have a toggle key bind set up for dwarf heal, so i can use that from Human form when i need it.

I don't treat the dwarf as a tank, i treat it as a MEZ PROOF mele attack chain
Nova is a AoE mop-up attack chain with fly and +acc
and human form is both w/o mez protection.

And I completely agree that this style of play is HEAVY on endurance.



Originally Posted by Bionut911 View Post
I play my PB like most players would use a tri-form Warshade. I've found that it's TRUCKLOADS more fun to treat the forms as an extension to your attack chain. So instead of sitting in nova waiting for your powers to recharge, go human, kick some tail then jump into dwarf for a heal, or a stomp. Then back into nova for tons of AoE dmg.
You, my friend, have discovered the real power of Kheldians

I also have a toggle key bind set up for dwarf heal, so i can use that from Human form when i need it.
Also, i like the double stomp bind I have now, because if im in dwarf, i tap it once, use dwarf stomp, leave form, then pulsar (on auto), then with another tap it uses human stomp, and de-auto's flare.
I definitely need these. You and Joe have done some great work with binds lately. Would it be possible to have it de-auto flare while using another power? I was thinking of the temp Stun Grenades to control more of the mobs.

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Originally Posted by Bionut911 View Post
I play my PB like most players would use a tri-form Warshade. I've found that it's TRUCKLOADS more fun to treat the forms as an extension to your attack chain. So instead of sitting in nova waiting for your powers to recharge, go human, kick some tail then jump into dwarf for a heal, or a stomp. Then back into nova for tons of AoE dmg.
From Nova/Dwarf form to human, there is no delay but from human to either form or from Nova to Dwarf and vice versa has a delay.

I've respec my build to focus mostly on Nova/Dwarf because I want to see how the forms perform. So far, I like Dwarf but I find Nova below average at best. Yes, its aoe damage is decent but you can't do anything else in that form. And what's worse is that I feel my Dwarf form's ST damage is almost as good as Nova's ST damage and that is just wrong.

I actually killed myself once last night during Dwarf form. I was under heavy attack and I thought I could quickly change to human to use another self-heal but of course I died as soon as I changed. Just too much aggro and since you lose all the human toggles that you had before, you don't have resistances to back it up.

All in all, poor design. I find the delays very annoying.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Timeshadow View Post
You, my friend, have discovered the real power of Kheldians

I definitely need these. You and Joe have done some great work with binds lately. Would it be possible to have it de-auto flare while using another power? I was thinking of the temp Stun Grenades to control more of the mobs.
If it wasn't for Dechs Kaison's MFing Warshade guide I wouldn't have ever tried to retry my PB, and it wouldn't be near as much fun.

Here's the bind for using dwarf heal from human form; joe gave me this one (basically it's a toggle key, so AFTER your +(insert HP here) number goes away, let off the key and you're human again. It does take a bit, because you have to switch into dwarf, but it's SO helpful when u your heals arent up and you have no other options)

/bind [key] "+down$$powexec_auto white dwarf sublimation$$powexec_name white dwarf"

Actually, yes it is possible to use other powers in addition to the double flare. I made a bind that (in two key presses) does just that (from dwarf form tho) it goes
Dwarf flare --> pulsar on auto --> leave dwarf form --> use pulsar ---> Turn off pulsar-auto & execute solar flare like a regular click power.

Here's the bind for it, if i remember correctly that is, let me know if it doesnt work. I do know that i based this off of the original double flare bind.

/bind [key] "Powexec_name solar flare$$powexec_auto pulsar$$powexec_name white dwarf flare$$powexec_toggleoff white dwarf$$goto_tray 1"

This bind requires a second key press, usually i do my press as the pulsar animation starts. But in this bind you can sub any power in for the "powexecname solar flare" OR the "powexecauto pulsar"

For example, if you wanted a heal inbetween the flares you'd go
/bind [key] "Powexec_name solar flare$$powexec_auto essence boost$$powexec_name white dwarf flare$$powexec_toggleoff white dwarf$$goto_tray 1"

Or if you'd like two stomps and a regular attack
/bind [key] "Powexec_name (insert power name here)$$powexec_auto solar flare$$powexec_name white dwarf flare$$powexec_toggleoff white dwarf$$goto_tray 1"

I find the Dwarf flare/Pulsar/Flare is VERY useful, because when fighting large maybe a fully aggroed room from a Fire farm AE mission ( >.> ) you use the dwarf stomp for knockup, and the pulsar to stun them/the ones dwarf missed, then the final flare to scatter the entire group; Also as a side note, the pulsar lasts more than enough time to kill virtually ALL aggro that you have so you have a second breathe haha

Actually, I just thought of a really nice one:

/bind [key] "Powexec_name solar flare$$powexec_auto build up$$powexec_name white dwarf flare$$powexec_toggleoff white dwarf$$goto_tray 1"

You'll use dwarf stomp, then buildup, then human stomp! MAYBE you could even take out that second stomp for say...DAWNSTRIKE for an epic finish ;D

And for you:

Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
From Nova/Dwarf form to human, there is no delay but from human to either form or from Nova to Dwarf and vice versa has a delay.

I've respec my build to focus mostly on Nova/Dwarf because I want to see how the forms perform. So far, I like Dwarf but I find Nova below average at best. Yes, its aoe damage is decent but you can't do anything else in that form. And what's worse is that I feel my Dwarf form's ST damage is almost as good as Nova's ST damage and that is just wrong.

I actually killed myself once last night during Dwarf form. I was under heavy attack and I thought I could quickly change to human to use another self-heal but of course I died as soon as I changed. Just too much aggro and since you lose all the human toggles that you had before, you don't have resistances to back it up.

All in all, poor design. I find the delays very annoying.
For nova form, i use it as a back-up attack chain. If you slot each power with a single dam/acc IO, an achilles heel proc, and two centriole Exposure Hami-Os it becomes a MEAN hover blaster; if needed.

and i can't count how many times I've slipped out of dwarf to try and heal and got killed by to much aggro. When I respeced out i actually got rid of everything but shining shield, and i made a bind that kills all forms and instantly toggles it, so im safe for a min. I try to time my "leave dwarf self heals" with a double flare/pulsar bind, so they're stunned and i'm safe ^_^ those delays are a pain in the butt to deal with as well, i wish they were at least a bit shorter.



Is there a way to build a useful amount of defense into a tri-form? If I could get to 32.5% S/L+R in all three forms, it'd be perfect. Alternately, I might shoot for 20% to all three positions or, failing that S/L+R. It'd be nice to have the utility of three forms coupled with nice base defense values for survivability.



Originally Posted by streetlight View Post
Is there a way to build a useful amount of defense into a tri-form? If I could get to 32.5% S/L+R in all three forms, it'd be perfect. Alternately, I might shoot for 20% to all three positions or, failing that S/L+R. It'd be nice to have the utility of three forms coupled with nice base defense values for survivability.
There certainly is. My build does exactly that. I made use of Kinetic Combat sets (Four in all) so its a bit expensive but the benefits are worth it. Reactive Armor in the shields and Perfect Zinger in Dwarf Antagonize should round things out nicely.

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