Weekly Video stream




Hey all, how did you like the live video feed on ustream during the server merger? I appreciated the time taken to sit with us and answer some of the thousands of live questions thrown at the COX staff. Lots of dancing there but some good info as well.

How about a possible weekly or bi-weekly 1/2 hour live broadcast to do the same. Some of the stories told were great and the antics of others were funny and enjoyable. Different members could host it each week and give a little info or whats coming up or perhaps tips about that game. Just an idea. : D

Player on Infinity server
Overlord of "The Fiend Army"
39 Level 50 Toons



Hi Redman,

We actually already host a weekly Live Coffee Talk every Wednesday (time varies based on my schedule) in addition to our monthly Official Developer Ustream.

Be sure to tune in.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Thank you, I will tune in when the times allow.

Player on Infinity server
Overlord of "The Fiend Army"
39 Level 50 Toons