Yup. Spawning code still broke.
If you were seeing mobs of 3 minions on Malicious something had already defeated the rest of the mob or you had pulled only part of it.
+0/x2 will spawn 5 minions, 3minions+1lt, 2lt+1 minion or boss+minion - there was a bug which sometimes meant the boss spawn didn't have the minion.
If you have no bosses set then all bosses will spawn as a lt with no change in the rest of the spawn to compensate.
If there are no bosses in the villain group you are fighting then they will not spawn so that boss+minion spawn would become just a minion.
Even on level difficulty maps you will still see a mix of +0 and +1 mobs. Some maps are set up to start easy - typically -1s and ramp up to +1s to standard - this would mean in the later rooms you would see a mixture of +1 and +2s - its been that way for as long as I can remember.
Also up until the last patch if you had teamed with a Kheld you could also see a quantum or a void in the mob redside - you still willl do so blueside.
If you can't handle the larger spawn size or level on a particular character there is nothing to say you need to run on larger mob sizes - that setting is set up per character.
Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant
What shall claim a Sky Kings' Ransom?
PPD & Resistance Epic Archetypes
You will still see Quantums and Voids redside, when teamed with a Kheld. What you will NOT see is level 40 Carnival Quantums in a level 30 redside Carnival mission.
Have you ever noticed that, every room and then, mobs will spawn at +1 to mission level?
That's been in since forever. It's made missions more varied. It was good.
Then I16 came, bringing with it the much-improved Notoriety system, and... mucking it all up.
You see, before I16, whenever a room was randomly selected to spawn +1 mobs, it would spawn them for a team one smaller. Running solo on Malicious (the old and insanely popular equivalent of +0x2 with bosses) you would run into spawns of 5 minions, or 3 +1 ones. It was good. It was a varied but even challenge.
And now? The spawn engine's broken. Spawn size is independent from spawn level. You'll run into anything from 3 +0s to 5 +1s (or 4 +1s and a +1 LT, but that's another problem). No matter how you set the settings, you'll have spawns that are either too easy, too boring, or ones that will smear you over the pavement. No way to avoid both, as it was with the old system.
Can we please get this fixed already? I know there are others like me who don't enjoy setting their settings to -1 or x1 because then the mobs that spawn properly are too weak to be fun to fight. If I wanted to fight big spawns of +1s, I'd set the settings to +1x2 or more, but don't force my less soloable characters into them. Please.
What shall claim a Sky Kings' Ransom?
PPD & Resistance Epic Archetypes