Data from MoLambda attempt




Tried MoLambda trial repeatedly tonight without too much success (thanks Wulfrich for leading btw!), but thought I'd share some stuff I learned in case it helps anyone. All this data gathered via Surveillance (a fun power if you are snoopy by nature).

This is what Marauder's HP and regen look like:

Marauder HP

This is what Marauder's resists look like when he's enraged (Berserker Rage is what the paci grenade suppresses, I believe).

Marauder resists while enraged

Berserker rage helps against all damage types (including psi and toxic), Damage Resistance only applies to smash/lethal. This makes him immune to smash/lethal damage when enraged, which is depressing when your attack set is smash/lethal. Procs will still hit him though. I like that my Surveillance debuff actually seems worthwhile. I want to claim credit for all the Reactive interface debuffs too, and the Achilles Heel debuff, but the truth is I'm sure several people on the league must've had those.

This is the closest our league got to completing the trial:

1 second left on the clock

So close. Anyway, I hope this helps someone.

@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"



Yep needs lots of -res debuffs

Oh and I don't know if you know this PW (I learned this myself a month ago) but when looking at the numbers, you can right-click and hide the power source, that way it just shows the numbers without worrying about where the buff is coming from (so that all his dmg. resist numbers can be shown in one screenshot instead of multiple).

The closest MoLambda I've gotten to was Marauder's HP at about 55% or so I think.

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



I think it's note worthy to point out that some debuffs are stronger than others.

Take a peek at Shivan Hybrid's numbers. 27%.
I've teamed with Shivan before, but certainly couldn't say why his enervating field does more debuff than Radiant Bloom or QP. Perhaps it has something to do with the alpha slot.

I know that my ill/rad's got some extra debuff with his 4th tier alpha.

I think in order to get the MO, it would be best to try and have the +3 level shifted folks doing the debuffs at a minimum. Better still, everyone with a +3 level shift. It'll likely still be very tough, but, if it were easy, who'd care?

Thanks for sharing, PW!

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
I think it's note worthy to point out that some debuffs are stronger than others.

Take a peek at Shivan Hybrid's numbers. 27%.
I've teamed with Shivan before, but certainly couldn't say why his enervating field does more debuff than Radiant Bloom or QP. Perhaps it has something to do with the alpha slot.
I think this is because of AT differences - if I remember correctly, Shivan Hybrid is a defender, Radiant Bloom and QP are controllers.

@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"



An update.... got the Master of Lambda badge finally. Team was:

League members

Our support was 1 cold, 1 rad, 1 emp, 4 kin. This was a lot less debuff than my last few attempts but a lot more damage, especially fire damage (both brutes and 1 tanker were doing fire damage) and psi damage (3 forts). I started out thinking 4 kins didn't seem like a good idea but in hindsight the fulcrum shift + fire melee + burn was probably insane damage. Despite less debuff, the +damage made this attempt go MUCH faster than the other attempts I was on.

1% life left. Note time and how little debuff we had

I was able to confirm that you get all 4 badges for doing it the "Lambda Looter" way (get everything, use nothing). This also gave me 3 bonus uncommon salvage drops and 1 bonus rare salvage drop.


So I was previously thinking massive debuff was the way to go, but after this trial, I now am more of a believer in exotic damage + fulcrum shift + some debuff.

@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"



Very nice and congrats PW (and others)

I just finally got the MoLRSF badge as of about 30-60 mins ago (with Difoj, CD, Kallor and others )

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



I was on the successful Master Of Lambda Trial. There were a few things I wanted to point out when I formed the teams.

My belief was that, since Marauder had an insane amount of resistance, I didn't want to overdo on resistance debuff, as many players might think when looking at his stats. Not looking at the statistics that Police Woman was able to provide, I formed the teams with the main idea that they'd be able to constanly output DPS (ie sleet, caltrops, burn, blazing aura, ice storm, rain of fire, hot feet, etc). Reasoning for this is, since the dude has a ridiculous amount of resistance while enraged, the strongest damage that one can output, like Greater Fire Sword, will be reduced to a single digit number. Why constantly spam a slow activating attack like Greater Fire Sword, when you can spam an attack like Burn when ONE of the ticks does nearly the same damage at a rapid rate? I also had anyone with a damage aura (ie blazing aura and hot feet) stand next to him while spamming whatever attacks they wanted to spam.

The fact that people were level shifted helped too, but I know there were 2 players on that roster who were just plain level 50.

Knowing that Marauder pops Unstoppable around 20% HP left, I knew that standard Unstoppable gave high resistance to all damage,except psionic damage. We had 3 Fortunatas, and 2 other psionic blast toons (rad/psi def and kin/psi def). One of the team members suggested to spawn Seers pets when Marauder hit Unstoppable.

When Marauder hit 50% HP left around 11-12 minutes, I knew we were doing great on time. You have to remember that Unstoppable lasts for a long time and you have to give it about 3 minutes by itself. In other words, when you look at the starting time of 17-18 minutes, deduct 3 minutes off that just for Unstoppable because, during that point, it'll just be a stalemate.

I broke my thought process down into separate points that way it doesn't look like a wall of words.*



PW, just an FYI. getting al 4 badges in 1 go is a bug. I harassed support multiple times over for it, and they told me that you have to run it 3 different times (1 time for antiacid, 1 time for Lambda Looter, and 1 time for Well Stocked)

Or else my MM needs to re-petition and get my badges back (as i got Lambda Looter awarded to me by support, after having them dig up the server logs to find my run)



Well today was an awesome the MoLRSF badge and just now got the Lambda Looter, Antacid, Well-Stocked and Master of Lambda badges

I didn't get to take a pic. of all that was on the team because by the time I thought of it one or two had quit/left already.

Yes this was all in one yeah...not sure if it helps but I'd try support again Arbegla...I know there was another group of people (from Champion?) that completed the Lambda trial with all temps collected and not using any of them and they didn't get the Master of badge either

As you can tell our team make up was mainly blasters and defenders. I was the lone kinetics person, the others were Radiation Em. I think (at least 2 were). The MM was a /dark. I think we got Marauder with like 2 mins left to spare.

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Man, I'm at work now, and when i get back online tomorrow, noone is going to want to run Antiacid with me to get my masters on Arbegla



Originally Posted by Arbegla View Post
Man, I'm at work now, and when i get back online tomorrow, noone is going to want to run Antiacid with me to get my masters on Arbegla
I'm willing to help ....I still need Strong and Pretty and Gotta Keep Em Separated badges....seems like now everyone just does a BAF to complete it and usually doesn't go for the badges heh

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



I was there for that 5% I wanted to launch my keyboard at that. I see me in the screenshot heh.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Originally Posted by Arbegla View Post
Man, I'm at work now, and when i get back online tomorrow, noone is going to want to run Antiacid with me to get my masters on Arbegla
Not true, I'd run any Mo or regular tf/trial anytime I'm on, if I'm able to do so and not already in the midst of one with you at the helm.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Of course on the day I can't get online.

Liberty Server (@enderbean)
Arcs on Live
#1460 Hometown Rivalry



I'm with Ukase. I'd gladly run any Mo TF or Trial any time I'm on. Heck, you can count me in just for whatever badges you're looking for, even if we aren't going for a Mo right away.

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Just to clarify again, Getting all 4 Lambda badges (Lambda Looter, Antiacid, Well Stocked and Master of) in 1 run is a BUG, and is not intended currently. That may or may not change later, but if you were able to get all 4 in one run, congrats, but its not intended, so there is the possibility of support or the devs taking it away (slim chance, but hey, its there)



I will run Mo until as many ppl who want the badge gets the badge. That includes BAF or Lam. Right now I am focusing on LAM since that is apparently a limited time "bug" related shortcut.

Whoa! Hey, hey, there? Watch were your waving that Sapper Gun Thingamajig with the sparks and the zaps and the endurance drain... humm yeah

Blue Stonefist Lvl 50 Stone/Stone/Stone Tanker



When is the next attempt Wulfy?

Liberty Server (@enderbean)
Arcs on Live
#1460 Hometown Rivalry



I wanted to thank Wulfrich for leading an MoLambda attempt -- it failed, but it was a real hoot. We had Maurader down to zero health - and I'm pretty sure we had him there prior to 10 seconds left, but, we failed anyway.

But, it was a good bit of intense fun.

Back to the drawing board.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




We noticed this on our successful MoLam run. We started calling him "Zombie Marauder". The reason is because he's statistically below 1% health, but when he has 100,000 HP and massive resistances, he's still got a fair amount of HP to work off at 0%. Just make sure to pile on the damage at the last second, including tons of Judgement nukes if that's what it takes.



That does make sense; and I thank you. But it seems to me that if that is the case, shame on the devs. Seems to me that they'd show the 1% until that last shot takes him out.

Thanks for your input!

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




I'm sure they'd like to do something like that but...probably not worth the time it'd take to re-do the health bar(s)....*shrugs*

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Well we finally did it! MoLambda today.
I took a picture of who was on team but my UI boxes didnt show up.. soooo I can't remember the names of everyone. But regardless they did an excellent job and some grreat team work. We had 45s - 1m to spare. It took several tries.
This is how I did it (memory fuzzy so don't flame me if I missed something):

1) No more then 4 - 5 Melee (tanks, scrappers, stalkers, brutes) toons on team. (I tried hard to keep it at 4).
2) Defenders, Corruptors, Controllers, Masterminds with DoT about 6 - 7 of them. So far we have found that Cold, Kin, Psi, Sonic to be the best. But I beleive it can be done with any others as well.
3) The rest were blasters or Veats with High DPS so about 5 - 6 of them.
4) Lastly 80% of the team had to be +3 lvl boosted or +1 with T2 boosts in all there slots.

The Maurader fight was basically this:
1) Spam Judgement at minions to keep them down. I felt no need to tightly control this. If the power was up we blasted them. When the spawns would get to be too many I would Yell out for Judgement and usually someone or someones would let it loose.
2) Spawn Non Seer Lore pets at first attack on Maurader (100% Health Points). The Seer Lore pets I saved for when Maurader was down to 25% or timer at 5 minutes which ever came first. Usually by the end of the fight (around 10 - 15 health points) the Non-Seer lore pets were recharged and I called for them to be summoned again.
3) Activate Barriers when the warning flashed on screen for Nova Fist and Activate Rebirths after Nova Fist.
4) BE VERY CAREFUL around Containment Chamber in NW corner of courtyard. Fire Judgements on mobs that are AWAY from it and make sure to have pets on {Attack my Target} toggle. If you destroy it you DO NOT get badges. (we did that once and we killed him 2mins on the clock and no badges).
5) When his Health reaches 22 - 24 Health points he goes into "Unstoppable" for about 3 mins.... If you dont have at least 4mins on the clock it gonna be a close fail. I have noticed that if you have in at 50% health at the 10 - 15 minute mark your team is gonna succeed. But the closer to the 10 minute mark you are the higher chance for a split second failure.. one good DC of a DoTs or DPS provider or 1/2 team killed during a Nova fist is gonna make the difference.
6) Lastly I had my time to give it up.... If he is not below 10% with 30s - 1 min on the clock I called for Grenades and we took him down. This way we at least got our drop menu.

I hope this helps other plan there MoLambda better. I will be glad to help out and help others get their badges whenever I am logged on. BUT we have to be very picky on how we organize to team, so I apolgize in advance if I have to skip over someone the first time.

The league did great today.. and thankyou for all those who hung in there for the 4 tries it took to get it done.

Whoa! Hey, hey, there? Watch were your waving that Sapper Gun Thingamajig with the sparks and the zaps and the endurance drain... humm yeah

Blue Stonefist Lvl 50 Stone/Stone/Stone Tanker



Originally Posted by Arbegla View Post
Just to clarify again, Getting all 4 Lambda badges (Lambda Looter, Antiacid, Well Stocked and Master of) in 1 run is a BUG, and is not intended currently. That may or may not change later, but if you were able to get all 4 in one run, congrats, but its not intended, so there is the possibility of support or the devs taking it away (slim chance, but hey, its there)
It really is stupid that they are calling this a bug. Doing it without using any temp powers at all means not closing the portals and not using pacification grenades. I can't understand how thats a bug.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
It really is stupid that they are calling this a bug. Doing it without using any temp powers at all means not closing the portals and not using pacification grenades. I can't understand how thats a bug.
its because of how the badges actually award. Per support these are the actual requirements:

"Lambda Looter" - get both kinds of temporary powers, 10 of each, but don't use them.
"Well Stocked" - get 10 Pacification Grenades, but no Molecular Acids, and don't use them.
"Antiacid" - get 10 Molecular Acids, but no Pacification Grenades, and don't use them.

So, if you get ANY molecular acids, you can't get well stocked, and if you get ANY pacification grenades, you can't get Antiacid.