Spines are ugly!
Sentient Flux - Back story being he is a mutant that was used in a experiment ( Big surprise there lol) and had electrically charged barbs implanted in his body. So the electric aura is actually meant to be coming from the spines to create a sort of lightning arc look. Like it so far, but like you have steered away from spines for the last 5 years due to theme conflicts, lol
EDIT - Sorry for small pic, here is the actual link http://img23.imageshack.us/f/screens...425231436.jpg/
I've wanted to make a Spines character for a while, but I couldn't get over the look of the power set. This thread gave me the inspiration to have a go at it with power customization. The new auras really help, too! Here's my new Spines/Elec, Exile Seven:
I wanted to try making a Spines character that looked good without demonic/plant-like skin tones. I'm very satisfied!
I also have a spines character where the spines are played off as Ice.. too bad about the green poison aura that goes on them though!