Seer Seeker
The buff pets from all four trees provide a typed defense buff only.
I have no clue why the devs did it that way, it seems like a very poor choice since it makes the buff a lot less useful for many characters.
I'm actually leaning towards taking the damage lore pets simply because the defensive buff is rather weak.
looking at the in game numbers, the clockwork lore buff pet does NOT give psi defense either (the other 3 lore buff pets give def to all types, but clockwork does gives to all types minus psi)

The reason why i'm asking/complaining about it is that I picked Seers for my Shield Brute figuring i could use the extra defensive over head since i was told they granted fort. I've now invested in to tier 3 (was able to craft 2 and 3 back to back so i had no time to try it out) and its completely useless to me and I've wasted crafting resources. It'd at least be worth something to me if it gave me positional defense.
Just for future reference, if you right click on one of the Incarnate powers on the tree, it'll bring up the Real Numbers window for the associated power.
It would be interesting to know what the deal with that is, though... perhaps it was just a straight port from the NPC versions, and an oversight on the Dev's part?
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
Just for future reference, if you right click on one of the Incarnate powers on the tree, it'll bring up the Real Numbers window for the associated power.
It would be interesting to know what the deal with that is, though... perhaps it was just a straight port from the NPC versions, and an oversight on the Dev's part? |
I hope it is just an oversight that they fix.
Just for future reference, if you right click on one of the Incarnate powers on the tree, it'll bring up the Real Numbers window for the associated power.
It would be interesting to know what the deal with that is, though... perhaps it was just a straight port from the NPC versions, and an oversight on the Dev's part? |
1396 Badges... here's hoping this won't be the end! SAVE PARAGON CITY
How comes fortitude from the seer seeker only buffs typed defense? Has there been any given reason why its typed versus all?