First, I don't think /bug was broken on the Live servers. From the announcement, it looks like it was only broken on EU-test and NA-beta.
Second, I think that issue you described is one of many intended jokes planted by the Devs. That's the only way I could rationalize the alternating capitalization. lol
It could also be part of the story. The captive might be a robot or clone that is malfunctioning. It's not really an error with the mission text itself. It represents an "error" within the NPC itself.
The original post stated is was broken across all environments. It has since been edited.
First, I don't think /bug was broken on the Live servers. From the announcement, it looks like it was only broken on EU-test and NA-beta.
Second, I think that issue you described is one of many intended jokes planted by the Devs. That's the only way I could rationalize the alternating capitalization. lol It could also be part of the story. The captive might be a robot or clone that is malfunctioning. It's not really an error with the mission text itself. It represents an "error" within the NPC itself. |
And yes I did note the cap/not caps sequence. Which could be a bored programmer or a joke. It can be hard to tell.
Not a bug. That's why the captive has a question mark "Crey Captive?". The 'captive' is a Nemesis automaton.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Interesting. I missed that.
Not a bug. That's why the captive has a question mark "Crey Captive?". The 'captive' is a Nemesis automaton.
I have seen text like that from NPC's enough times, times that were pretty clear that variables and code were exposed I just assumed it was one more.
I'm pretty sure I've never actually seen code exposed in NPC text unless it went something like this:
Interesting. I missed that.
I have seen text like that from NPC's enough times, times that were pretty clear that variables and code were exposed I just assumed it was one more. |
NPCName: P29384272101
(called a P-string)
I'm pretty sure most of the NPC chatter you're talking about is probably deliberately written that way, if not all of it.
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City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
I agree with you completely. Most of the things I've seen appear to be written that way on purpose, either as a joke or part of the story somehow.
I'm pretty sure I've never actually seen code exposed in NPC text unless it went something like this:
NPCName: P29384272101 (called a P-string) I'm pretty sure most of the NPC chatter you're talking about is probably deliberately written that way, if not all of it. |
The only exception I might make is when I see something like Boss_Name in a mission. That doesn't seem intended at all. Then again, that's not really exposed code, just a generic name that is apparently used when the name list isn't being referenced for some reason.
Here's something else that struck me funny the other day, and the first time I've ever noticed something like this happen. The name that appeared over the foe's head was different than what appeared in the chat and Target window:

It is repeatable too. I got the same mission later on a different character, and had the same results. I haven't noticed it on any other missions since either. Is that intended, or some new "feature" that's meant to confuse us? lol
A few of the enemies in Tip missions dont have /info descriptions, either. It's a textstring error instead.
Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
Is it still broken?
Bug in Mission/Code
No matter:
Tip Mission lvl 33: Free the Crey Captives
Second captive I freed told me "[NPC] Crey Captive?: <ErRoR: CaNnOt FiNd PLATITUDESTRING6.TXT, AcCeSsInG NeXt StRiNg> Happy birthday Nicoli Tesla!
[NPC] Scientist: That's company property Nicoli Tesla!"