Just sayin.....
Try sending Avatea or Moderator 05 a PM and explain politely that you'd like your forum name changed to such and such. They may decide to hear your plea.
@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too
Once upon a Time there was a mod. And he was going around doing mod things. And he came across this thread.
So, anyway, it took him a couple re-reads to understand what the situation is.
SO...flash forward to right now. The mod has changed your name.
Now our friend, the noob, can have a decent time and enjoy talking to new and old friends on the forum with the name:
The virtual world ain't so cruel after all.
Such is the forum.
Hello Champion!
MOD 05
LMAO! Thanks Mod 5! Hmmm...but should i keep Lara as the Avatar?
You're lucky, Oath. Mod 5 will not respond to PM replies when he's hammered one of your posts.
"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon
"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight
He's just bein' nice because he knows he still owes me 2 hours.
Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...
Holy CRAP!! Did Mod 05 just crack a JOKE!! Awwww can we keep him?!?
Apparently I've connected a community and it's moderator.
I'm just full of miracles.
Glad to have met and ya and great having you in the channel with us Oath!
Champion Server-"Play like a Champion today!"
"True courage is not the brutal force of vulgar heroes, but in the firm resolve of virtue and reason." - Sir Alfred North Whitehead
Once upon a Time there was a noob. And he was rather noobish. He was also friends with Myrm in RL. (waits for the sounds of anguish to die down) I know....I know....

So, anyway, he rushed to set up his account on the forums because it was double XP weekend and he was eager to get into the game and level up his first Character - A electric/electric blaster named Boltress.
So eager, in fact, that he failed to read the little message which tells you the name you pick for your Forum ID is stuck with you forever and ever and ever and ever.....until you die...and someone else opens up your account 85 trillion years later....and you will still have the same ID, only this time you are dead.
SO...flash forward to 2011. Myrm convinces said noob to reopen his COH account and start playing again.
Now our friend, the noob, is having a decent time and enjoying talking to new and old friends and generally destroying virtual bad guys with the arsenal of weaponry COH has placed in his hands.
However, if he is to decide to vegetate with the other denizens of Champion server on the game forums, he must do so with the name:
Even though everyone in game knows him as:
T'is a cruel virtual world we live in.
Such is life.
Hello Champion!