Radiation/Devices: Worth for the Concept?
But I'm honestly a little scared to roll her as /Devices. I read seebs's guide to /Devices, and I don't think I'd enjoy all that set-up time before *every* mob... I usually prefer the "Kil Skulz NAO" approach.
I tried a /Devices and it was just too tedious. If you want "gadgets" you might go with a corruptor and Trick Arrow or Traps. Those provide massive debuffs that make mobs melt, and though they do take time to fire off, it happens during combat so it doesn't feel so tedious.
If you're planning on using IOs the defense debuffs from Rad may not be all that great for you. Most of the sets you'll want to slot will have +acc, and while it isn't quite the same as a defense debuff, missing isn't usually a problem for most IOed characters, even against 54s.
I've got a Rad/Kin corruptor and a Fire/Dark corruptor and the Rad/Kin's damage still feels anemic compared to the Fire.
But in the end, you should play what seems fun to you, not necessarily what gives you the biggest numbers.
I pretty much play my Nrg/Devices mostly as Nrg blast, although that is not really a fair statement. I run Targeting Drone and Cloaking Device all the time. I use Caltrops almost as often as they recharge. I try to get Gun Drone down as often as it recharges. So that is 4 powers from my secondary I use fairly regularly, but two are toggle on and forget and one has a pretty long recharge.
When teamed I will often use Trip Mine. I actually use the mines more teamed than I do solo. I use it because it makes me giggle. I am seriously hurting my kill speed, but I just can't help it. The explosion makes me happy. Unless we really need me to concentrate on DPS, I'll even do it to AVs (and really, most teams can smash AVs plenty fast that it is not noticeable if I am stinking it up by using two trip mines during the AV fight). If I need to get "serious" about killing quick, I'll stop using Trip Mine.
I have and use Taser on occasion against a nasty enemy I want hard control on, although I usually just rely on the knockback from energy (you will have Cosmic Burst which would stack nicely with Taser to mez a boss).
I rarely use Web Grenade, but it can be handy on occasion (in the early levels Web nade was much more useful). I do not have and do not recommend Smoke Grenade or Time Bomb.
I'd think you would do fine running mostly a Rad blaster who supplements with the /Devices powers. I strongly recommend getting Hasten early, as you will want to make sure your primary recharges quickly, since you will be relying on it a lot (I did that with my Nrg/Devices and I am very glad I did).
Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.
Thanks for the great input, guys. Just by looking at the power descriptions, a Corr's /Traps looks really fun, but unfortunately I don't have Going Rogue (...yet). I think I'll try the Blaster out as well as a Corrupter and see how the two go.
Could either of you think of a point when I would know whether /Devices is for me or not? Like perhaps it'll show its full potential after a certain level or after I start slotting?
Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!
One of the joys of recent years is having more than one build after lvl 20 or so. That being the case, make a team build and a solo one using SOs and common IOs to see what works before investing in the expensive stuff.
The devices that really need set-up time come later (Trip Mine and Time Bomb) so most of your slots will go into Rad early on anyhow. Everything from Web Gren to Cloaking Device can make do with few slots at first.
Most teams will love you because the constant -Def you'll be inflicting on the enemy will be great. Cosmic Burst also carries a nice Stun for everything short of Bosses.
Once you get Trip Mine slot it well! Time Bomb too. With Cloaking Device and a Stealth IO in Combat Jumping you should be invisible to most things so you can lay the mine field, drop a Timebomb on the guy in the middle of the mob and then run for the hills. When the survivors come around the corner they run into the Gun Drone and piles of Rads.
It might be a slow set solo until the Bombs and Mines but it'll be fun to team with.
"Comics, you're not a Mastermind...you're an Overlord!"
One of the joys of recent years is having more than one build after lvl 20 or so. That being the case, make a team build and a solo one using SOs and common IOs to see what works before investing in the expensive stuff.
... It might be a slow set solo until the Bombs and Mines but it'll be fun to team with. |
That's a good idea to put a Stealth IO in CJ... Instead I was going to grab Stealth, but CJ + IO is probably a lot better endurance wise, plus CJ gives the movement boost.
Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!
Devices isn't terrible. You get a pet and loads of utility powers. Trip Mine and Time Bomb are situational powers, not "use them constantly" powers. On teams, you may not use them at all, but that doesn't mean you'll be useless. Use your primary, enjoy the utility of your secondary, and have fun with it. Sneak ahead of the group from time to time if you want to use them a bit more. Solo, you'll love them.
What I'd be more worried about is Radiation. -Def sounds good, but once you slot any sort of IO sets, accuracy isn't a problem for 95%+ of the content. Add a Kismet +6% and a couple accuracy set bonuses and you're set. Only Vengeance-stacked Nemesis, Paragon Protectors in MoG or Captain Mako offer any opportunity to take advantage of Rad's -Def. On the upside, it is almost entirely energy damage, so it isn't resisted highly, but that's it.
There is synergy in combining Radiation and Devices, but it isn't a useful synergy at this point. The to-hit bonus available from Targeting Drone (slotted it's 20%+) combined with Radiation's -Def, means that you have a great chance to hit. Unfortunately, it's easy to get enough accuracy and to-hit buffs to hit +4s 95% of the time, just from slotting cheap IO sets. Chances are that everyone on your team will be at 95% for most content. So Radiation's -Def isn't that helpful.
There is synergy in combining Radiation and Devices, but it isn't a useful synergy at this point. The to-hit bonus available from Targeting Drone (slotted it's 20%+) combined with Radiation's -Def, means that you have a great chance to hit. Unfortunately, it's easy to get enough accuracy and to-hit buffs to hit +4s 95% of the time, just from slotting cheap IO sets. Chances are that everyone on your team will be at 95% for most content. So Radiation's -Def isn't that helpful.
Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!
My favorite and only blaster is a Rad/Energy. As most have said Rad is just OK. I personally don't worry much about the -def debuff. If you can hit something consistently to debuff it you don't need the debuff, if you can't hit it the debuff doesn't work so it won't help. Rad is fun and has some quick firing attacks but for damage it is just OK. Combined with energy can stun most targets with the energy melee attacks.
I slotted my attacks with the same sets I use on everything (including acc) and just let the def debuff alone. I did take the Musculature alpha which includes def debuff but that was a bonus not why I took it.
There is a somewhat hidden benefit to the def debuff and that is almost everything takes defense debuff and accurate defense debuff sets. Shield Breaker is a great set with nice bonuses all the way through if you can find something to six slot it into (put mine in Neutron Bomb with alpha it still does good damage). You can also slot Achilles' Heel chance for resistance debuff proc in your attacks.
All right, thanks, I'll definitely look into those Debuff sets. Speaking of IOs, does anyone know how the chance for Build Up proc from Gaussian's set would work on the Targetting Drone? Would it just fire the proc when I first bring it out, or would it keep firing it while it's out?
Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!
Well couldn't it be argued that Rad's -DEF and Targeting Drones +ToHit just gives me more slots to *not* spend on ACC? I guess for my teammates, my -DEF wouldn't matter, but for myself, I could work more on increasing damage and recharge, for example, right? Are there any enhancements Rad/Devices would really benefit from that I could perhaps soft-cap or at least really augment by not having to slot for ACC (that couldn't normally be soft-capped/augmented)?
I'm actually kind of a fan of Devices (I've come around from despising it). I think it has value as a set that is too often ignored. I just don't see much value in Radiation Blast, regardless of the AT using it.
As far as set bonuses go, there isn't anything out there that would make a difference without totally sacrificing damage (Shield Breaker). You'd be better off six-slotting Thunderstrike or five-slotting Decimation and those will give you all the damage you can get.
Hmm, I see your point.. Maybe I should look into Energy Blast/ then...
Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!
All right, thanks, I'll definitely look into those Debuff sets. Speaking of IOs, does anyone know how the chance for Build Up proc from Gaussian's set would work on the Targetting Drone? Would it just fire the proc when I first bring it out, or would it keep firing it while it's out?

Hmm, I see your point.. Maybe I should look into Energy Blast/ then...
Rad blast is truly a good set. Its DPAs are all right in line with Energy blast anyway. People poo poo the -defense, but all throughout leveling up it is very useful. All those to-hit debuffers are much easier to kill on a Rad blaster and they will help your teammates too (those scrappers and tankers trying to punch stuff while in melee of the Dark Servant or after getting hit with a Steel Strongman's mask will never know it was your Irradiate that made things easy, but you will know). People on the forums act way too much like defense debuffs are not useful. It is true, they are not useful all the time, but neither is KB, mezzing, to hit buffing, damage debuffs, etc.
Besides, that is just the secondary effect. The important thing is you will be melting faces with great attacks.
As to a point where you fall in love... well, I'd throw out Caltrops and Irradiate and then likely fall in love. But I have this thing for constant damage ticks above a whole spawns head (I really should play some type of Plant control someday).
Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.
Would you still suggest a Rad/Devices Blaster over a Rad/Traps Corruptor? /Traps still has Caltrops, and if I went Hero-side, besides less damage, would there be that much difference? While more damage as a Blaster might be nice, at least I wouldn't be gathering so much aggro...
EDIT: Just compared the two powersets in more detail.. It seems like Devices is still much more offensive than Traps, and the Build Up proc in Targeting Drone would be nice. Many of Traps' powers seem pretty useless solo once you consider set up times.
I guess I should stop worrying and just start playing haha!
Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!
Would you still suggest a Rad/Devices Blaster over a Rad/Traps Corruptor?
Traps has multiple pets which take some aggro and which can eat alphas so you do not have to. Traps gives you mez protection and goodly defense. Traps has humongous debuffs. You would notice the difference, but the differences will all be in Traps favor.
Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.
Would you still suggest a Rad/Devices Blaster over a Rad/Traps Corruptor? /Traps still has Caltrops, and if I went Hero-side, besides less damage, would there be that much difference? While more damage as a Blaster might be nice, at least I wouldn't be gathering so much aggro...
EDIT: Just compared the two powersets in more detail.. It seems like Devices is still much more offensive than Traps, and the Build Up proc in Targeting Drone would be nice. Many of Traps' powers seem pretty useless solo once you consider set up times. I guess I should stop worrying and just start playing haha! |
I can't stand Radiation Blast on Corruptor because I don't like low damage tier 1 blast and for a 4s attack, it has 1.67 activation time which is very bad. Cosmic is great though. I have a lvl 41 Rad/Sonic Corruptor. Those two DO NOT mesh well. I feel so weak.
And /Trap is way more "offensive" than /Device IMO. You basically drop Seekers and run in to set traps. It is a very "close range" support set with one of the best debuffs in the game.
I am actually planning a build for Rad/Device but I won't be using trip mine or time bomb. Time Bomb is only for "popcorn time" when you are bored.
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
I have a concept for my very first Blaster that I am pretty excited about, kind of a steampunk-ish, gutsy, Amelia Earhart meets "The Golden Compass". I was thinking of rolling her as a Rad/Devices, since I like the -DEF that Rad offers and Devices fits my concept.
But I'm honestly a little scared to roll her as /Devices. I read seebs's guide to /Devices, and I don't think I'd enjoy all that set-up time before *every* mob... I usually prefer the "Kil Skulz NAO" approach.
Would it be viable to go with Rad/Dev and just use Devices as a supplement to a predominantly Rad-blasting play style or should I really look at a different secondary? I'm not necessarily looking for *perfect* synergy, just something that's fun.
I'd appreciate any of your thoughts. Thanks
Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!