International Mentors Project




I was just thinking about the upcoming merge of the servers listd and an idea hit me

There is a great organisation on the NA servers called the Mentors Project that helps new players.

Now I don't know if the EU servers have their own version of this group of great players but I think it would be a great way to unite the community if this group could join forces with some like minded EU players and establish a kind of exchange program where they welcome players from across the pond into their respective communities.

Just thought I'd throw this out there to see what you guys think.



i think stalemate already has an EU section of mentors, the merged servers will make it easier for everyone to be on the one channel though



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
i think stalemate already has an EU section of mentors, the merged servers will make it easier for everyone to be on the one channel though
Okay. Like I said I didn't know what existed on the EU side, and I was thinking of a way to encourage a balanced exchange of players between servers.