WS Slotting Preference - Mires and Fluffies

Dechs Kaison



I've looked at various sets and how they would fit in a planned rebuild of my WS--I've come down to a purple set in one mire and likely an obliteration oin the other. However, I'm wondering if there might be something I'm missing there. As for Fluffy...I'm a little perplexed with this one. Any set recommendations?



Ok, I would put the purple set in Dwarf Mire as opposed to the human one. It recharges faster, so you get more chances for the proc to fire, and it hits harder, so the enhancement value does more for you.

The best fluffy slotting I've been able to find is four Expedient Reinforcement and the DMG/RCHG from the purple set and the purple proc if you can fit it.

For more general slotting advice from my guide:

The 'Budget' Set Build

Not all of us have the (patience required to obtain) billions and billions needed to get purples. I sure as hell don't, but it didn't stop me from buying up enough recharge to make Eclipse a way of life. A lot of suggestions in here are expensive to some people. Even if you're rolling in influence, making a permanent Eclipse build requires substantial investment. Luckily, there are plenty of options to buy what you need without influence.

When looking at set bonuses, recharge should be the primary goal of any warshade, and I'd like to take a moment to explain why. For any other AT, building offensively means getting recharge and damage bonuses to obtain specific attack chains for high DPS and building defensively means adding defense, HP and regen bonuses to increase survivability. For a warshade, however, recharge bonuses benefit offense and defense simultaneously through a greater percentage of Eclipse, Mire, and Dark Extraction uptime. Simply put, recharge makes you hit harder and stand longer.

I hope you noticed the hybridization in the frankenslot budget, because the lines between KA-BAR and Swiss Army Knife only get more blurry as you move up to this budget.

The questions you need to ask are: "How much recharge do I need?" and "where do I get it?"

Eclipse recharges in 300 seconds and to reduce the recharge to the 90 seconds it is active, it needs 234% total recharge. I know that looks like a lot, but you get 95% from enhancements, so now you only need 139% in bonuses. "But wait!" you say, "what about Hasten?" Well, that would be 70% if it were active all the time. Unfortunately, it's not, so you can't count on it. The neat thing, at least, is that as we add recharge bonuses, Hasten becomes more potent as well. Long story short, you need at least 85% in global bonuses for Eclipse to be sufficiently "permanent." Of course, more is better, as it provides you with overlap and protection from the occasional debuffs.

Now, there are plenty of places to get the recharge bonuses you need. I'm going to list some of the best ones, the number of slots they require and the applicable powers.

Luck of the Gambler +7.5% Recharge Global. Requires one slot. Fits in Shadow Cloak, Combat Jumping, Maneuvers, Vengeance, Stealth, Grant Invisibility, Invisibility. Notably a different bonus than other +7.5% bonuses, so it avoids the law of five with them.
Basilisk's Gaze +7.5% set bonus. Requires four slots. Fits in Gravity Well.
Kinetic Crash +7.5% set bonus. Requires six slots. Fits in Nova Blast/Emanation/Detonation, Gravitic Emanation, Unchain Essence. It provides only moderate enhancement across the board and overdoses on KB enhancement, but it's the cheapest recharge on the market.
Call to Arms/Expedient Reinforcement +6.25% bonus. Requires four slots. Fits in Dark Extraction.
Decimation +6.25% bonus. Requires five slots. Fits Dark Nova Bolt and Blast.
Positron's Blast +6.25% bonus. Requires five slots. Fits in Unchain Essence, Dark Nova Emanation and Detonation.
Stupefy +6.25% bonus. Requires five slots. Fits in Unchain Essence and Gravitic Emanation.
Crushing Impact +5% bonus. Requires five slots. Fits in Gravity Well, Drain Essence, Dwarf Strike, Smite, and Drain.
Doctored Wounds +5% bonus. Requires five slots. Fits in Drain Essence, Dwarf Drain, Stygian Circle.
Obliteration +5% bonus. Requires five slots. Fits in Orbiting Death, Sunless Mire, Quasar, Dwarf Mire.
Perfect Zinger +5% bonus. Requires four slots. Fits in Dwarf Antagonize.

Obviously, the cheapest in terms of slots are the LotGs. Those are where I started, and I bought them all with merits so I'd have level 25s. The lower level salvage tends to be cheaper, and I keep the bonus even exemplaring to level 22. A lot of the sets are lacking in one way or another, so don't forget what you learned in frankenslotting 201. Decimation and Crushing Impact, however, are pretty good. Basilisk's Gaze is limited by being a level 30 set, but it's fairly good for a hold. It leaves KA-BAR room for two damage enhancements or Swiss Army Knife with room for more hold or recharge and maybe a Lockdown +2 mag hold proc. Swiss Army Knife will use one or two Stupefy sets where KA-BAR will find room for Decimation and more Positron's Blast. Just beware that law of five.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



The purple pet set is relatively cheap (the Obliterations will cost more) and you'll get a good return with only four slots.

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i think i switched between 2 res procs, a defense proc and 3 pet purples for HP or the rech intensive set(can't remember the name but it's got a proc and has 6.25 rech for four slots) and 2 other procs. just depends on what youre slotting for at that point, rech or hp.

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