'Practicing' in MA




I know there's a lot people who write very imaginative story arcs; which was the aim of AE/MA.

However, I'd like to use it to try a couple of things which I come across in normal content.
1) Fighting LR with the towers from the STF
2) Sleeping the AVs from the last mission of the LRSF

Anyone know either of any arcs with similar challenges or a way to make similar challenges?

Thank you and my compliments to all those who put the effort into some great arcs like 378122 which I enjoyed recently.

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the tower buffed recluse i do not think you can do at all in AE, not even sure of a way to simulate it except by creating a guard mob consisting entirely of buff bots that do nothing but buff everything

the AV in LRSF one i think you might be able to do if you had a map with a lot of really close spawn spots for boss objectives